View Full Version : New to you.

29-12-13, 22:44
Hello. I just came upon your site yesterday, quite by accident. I was having some throat issues and googled for info.
Anyway, I live in the US and have had panic disorder in some form or another for over 40 years. It was horrible when it first happened. Doctors didn't know what to do with,or for me. I suffered terribly. I pushed myself to do everything and life was miserable. Through it all I went to school, got married and had children. Every day was a horror.
I am now on Effexor and do not have attacks on a regular basis, but there are still things I am fearful to do- car pool, travel alone, driving far distances, be anywhere where I can't leave it I want to. etc.
I am divorced and so have to do most things myself.
Finding this site has given me hope that maybe I can learn from others how to tackle my road blocks.

30-12-13, 06:43
Happy to help if I can , if you read my introduction it gives a little insight about me.
I so far have managed to over come most of my anxieties.... it is a step by step process, and most of it is in your head. I do have bad times but that's why I am here.
Having an anxiety buddy does help ! :yesyes: