View Full Version : Newcomer! (Nexplanon problems)

29-12-13, 22:55
Hi I'm Nicki,
I'm a chef, music and film lover! (Perfectly sums me up lol)
Anyway I just found this site and seems perfect for finding answers! I have had nexplanon in my arm for about 9 months. For the first 2 months I had regular periods, then I had a period that lasted almost 4 weeks. I also noticed mood swings beginning. My doctor put me on loestrin for 3 months to regulate the periods, now I have been off the pill, and the mood swings have got worse. I have the most paranoid thoughts I have ever experienced, I'm afraid that it will effect my relationship with my boyfriend. I have started to become reclusive, only going out to work. I feel like I'm going mad, the thoughts I'm having are ridiculous and unfounded, but that doesn't stop them happening. It's so frustrating. I'm waiting for my appointment to have it removed, but have no idea when that will be! Having trouble coping with my thoughts. Any tips/advice?

24-02-14, 14:02
I know this is a bit late, but i just joined and i was searching for nexplanon related posts as i have had the most hellish year with it. Had it out for about a month and now things are better but still not 100% Have you had yours out now? Would love to have someone to chat with and to be honest (in the nicest way possible) its good to know I'm not alone in how things have been.