View Full Version : MS, Cauda Equina... so tired of feeling scared all the time!

29-12-13, 23:15
Hi folks, I'm a long time reader but first time poster. This forum has helped me a lot over the past 6-7 years since my health anxiety began, so thank you for that. I just had a baby a few months ago and have been having back problems from breastfeeding/lifting. I was doing well anxiety-wise until a few weeks ago when I had a complete meltdown. I'm having numb patches all over my body (face, back, genitals), pins and needles, I'm exhausted and then there's the back pain. My doctor basically told me it was my anxiety mixed with first-time-mom-ing that is causing all this, but the symptoms seem so intense - especially at night. My legs have recently started feeling heavy when I'm in bed and I'm convinced I have an awful neurological disease. Has anyone out there experienced genital numbness? That's a new symptom for me (not numbness, but the location) and it's really stressing me out. I can't sleep when my baby sleeps and I feel terrible. I should be enjoying this experience with my little girl instead of worrying about my health. Sorry for the rant (please respond).:scared15:

29-12-13, 23:49
I had a lot if anxiety after having both my children. Your hormones are changing rapidly and unfortunately all parents have more worries when they have children. I get tingling/vibrating/numbness all over my body and particularly my leg and yes my genitals.

30-12-13, 00:13
It's awful! I'm finding that I spend more the worrying about my health/my baby than enjoying the experience. It's so crippling and this time I can't rely on drugs because of the breastfeeding. Thanks for the response, RoseEve. I haven't seen a lot about that particular symptom so was sure it was something serious.

30-12-13, 00:47
There is a lot of support for postpartum anxiety and depression maybe you should ask your doctor. But it will pass and you will enjoy your sweet baby :)

30-12-13, 04:00
Up again with heavy, achy legs. Really want to go to A&E every night when I wake up, but then in the morning feel better and forget what a bad night it was. Still feel like something is seriously wrong & my doctor just brushed my symptoms aside because of my anxiety.

30-12-13, 04:05
Zoloft "Sertraline" has been completely okayed for use while breastfeeding.....start up is pretty rough, but worth it when it helps!!

01-01-14, 00:19
I had the same symptoms when my first born was a few months old. Started with numbness in the left arm. Consulted Dr. Google and convinced myself I had MS (CONVINCED!). I started getting numbness and tingling randomly everywhere (not genitals tho). I even woke up with both of my hands being numb so I HAD to have MS right! Went to my GP and told her I thought I had MS and she LAUGHED! She said it was prob a pinched nerve in my arm or shoulder due to carrying and nursing my little one. I'm sure the exhaustion didn't help either. Anyway, after several weeks of being depressed and convinced I had MS the symptoms started going away. I hope your symptoms go away soon so you can enjoy your little one. They grow up so fast!

01-01-14, 04:46
Thanks for your replies :) the last few days my legs have felt weak and I've been feeling "spaced out", so these new symptoms aren't helping. At this stage I'd love to try meds again if it's safe and if Zoloft will work for me - was on paxil & ciprolex before; the ciprolax worked perfectly but the Lazio did nothing for me.

xxAmyxx, thanks for letting me know you went through something similar. It's scary how they say MS tends to flare up a few months after giving birth, especially for me as my pregnancy was wonderful - no symptoms, very few panic attacks. It just sucks how they're back with a vengeance now. Will go back to my GP next week and we can hopefully get this sorted out.

Thanks again xx

---------- Post added at 04:46 ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 ----------

I meant ciprolex and paxil! Autocorrect.