View Full Version : Rash on Face Vomiting

Cú Chulainn
30-12-13, 01:06
I've had the flu last few days
and yesterday I intensely vomited for like 5 minutes.
After an hour my whole face had broke out in red rash only on my face
Its very red and blotchy
It doesn't hurt or itch but its just unsightly.
Freaking out cus I have a weeding to attend in 3 days.
and I don't want to attend looking like this.

30-12-13, 01:18
Hi dear it sounds like what you have is petechiae they are tiny broken capillaries that come from straining i.e. Extreme coughing fits or as you said vomiting. Basically when you vomit the pressure from retching and the blood rushing to your head bursts the tiny vessels. It is harmless though if you get a terrible headache or any neck stiffness please see a doctor asap because it could be a sign of something more serious.

I get these little red dots sometimes around my mouth they take 2 days to disappear but are completely harmless. I even get them from little things such as drinking out of a soda bottle because my skin is delicate. Good luck to you!