View Full Version : I think I'm going crazy!

30-12-13, 07:55
This is hard for me to write...... I think I'm going crazy. I've led a 'normal' life for years and then in the last 12 months my life has been turned upside down by what I am told are panic attacks. My heart starts to race for no reason, my chest hurts, my hands and arms tingle and my legs tremble and shake, more recently my face and lips have gone numb! I have a feeling like a lump in my throat and my mouth goes dry and I feel like I cant breathe. Afterwards my chest hurts for days at a time, this starts me worrying and then the whole thing starts again!
I've been kept in hospital overnight twice now, had ECG's done, chest xrays and been told all's well but why wont this THING go away?
They just come out of nowhere. More recently I cant sleep for them as my mind is working overtime.
I've been reading some of the info on here and a lot of it makes sense, but how do I deal with all of this? How do I get some normality back in my life?

30-12-13, 08:59
It is a slow process, but you can do it ...start by making a list of all the problems / issues, put them into boxes don't pile all together it will only cause more anxiety.
Remember anxiety is a part of you and you are going to learn to life with it ......with control on your terms.
You will get through this, here to help if I can.

30-12-13, 09:05
Hiya, thanks for the reply... you might regret offering to help!
I do have one immediate question as I'm struggling to find the answer .... What's the difference between anxiety and panic please?

30-12-13, 09:18
Your question..... I had thought there was no difference, panic is caused by high anxiety and anxiety aloud to run free causes panic ? maybe ?
All in the same box I think, I will take a look here , this is certainly the place to find out.

30-12-13, 09:24
I'm of the same opinion .... anxiety causes panic? Just wanted to read somewhere that that was the case.

Follow The Sun
01-01-14, 19:51
Hey - I had panic attacks and now it's "settled" into general anxiety. I would say, just from my experience, that it's definitely anxiety leading to panic. With my first panic attack I didn't even realise I was feeling particularly anxious, then suddenly had a meltdown out of the blue. It's like the anxiety builds up to a sort of crisis point and your body goes into fight or flight mode, triggering the panic attack. Which is a perfectly normal response to threats, believe it or not. It's just that, for some reason, our brains decide going to the shops, or other day-to-day things are a threat. I found some hypnosis sessions, relaxation CDs at night and mindfulness (a type of meditation that teaches you not to fight the panic and just ride it out) were really helpful to bring it back down to a manageable level.

02-01-14, 10:49
I know exactly where you are coming from, I battled a long illness and rebuilt my life and just as I thought things were good, these anxiety/panic attacks hit me like a bolt of lightening. Now I have come dependant on people again, confidence as gone and live with the constant fear.
My hardest thing is understanding it because if I don't understand it, how can I expect others too...just one vicious circle. I am determined to break it though, want my life back