View Full Version : My mother triggered me

30-12-13, 14:46
So as most of you know I have sleep apnea and an intense fear of sudden death thanks to health anxiety.

Well last night my wonderful mother who is well aware of my anxiety and what my specific fears are messages me on Facebook last night telling me she read and interesting article on sleep Apnea and was going to send me the link. Now knowing she knows how much my anxiety about my health effects me I never thought it would be a detrimental article to read more like a positive one. How wrong could I be the heading of the article was " sleep apnea sufferers have double the risk of sudden cardiac death" now a logical person wouldn't have even read the article but someone like me just had to and now I am in a constant state of panic since last night and I am once again sure that I am going to die as a result of sudden cardiac death.

Please help

30-12-13, 15:26
My question would be what are you doing about your sleep apnoea? You don't have to put up with it, there are various things that can help. Speak to your doctor.

30-12-13, 15:51
I am treating my sleep apnea with a cpap machine I use regularly the problem isn't how I'm treating it my anxiety is around what it can do to me

30-12-13, 15:55
Scrumking, you need to remember its just an article and its not gospel. Its an article designed to "sell a story". There are millions of people in the world who have sleep aponea, most don't know they have it. If you really do have sleep aponea your dr would have given you some suggestions on how to eliminate or control it.

Sometimes people who we love and trust do or say things that will trigger our anxious thoughts and they do it without thinking. Unfortunately most people who do not have Panic Disorder or Health Anxiety know the intense fear, the OCD thoughts etc. Just remember that these are just thoughts and although they are scary, and they may even be going over and over in your head - they are only thoughts. pop in and see your Dr about your fears ask them to eplain.

I hope you are feeling much better.

31-12-13, 08:28
If you are using the machine then you don't have to worry as it is helping you to breathe normally - not breathing normally is what heightens the risk.