View Full Version : Help! Swelling in throat

30-12-13, 16:20
Was out shopping when I bumped into a mate, we where chatting then he looked at me and asked if I've got a sore throat, I said no and then asked why he said coz the left side of my throat looked swollen. After saying good bye and getting in the car I looked in the mirror and it does look a little bit swollen, when I got back home I had a look in the mirror again and have been feeling my throat and it deffo is more swollen than the right side but I have no pain! I'm worried now and it's triggered my HA plus I've had a panic attack! Have any of u guys experienced this? Is it part of the HA symptoms? Thanks

19-01-14, 17:14
Hi I have a swelling in neck which is being investigated. There are many causes - neck swellings and lumps are apparently common. If it doesn't go down in a few days I would go to the doc. It could be thyroid, goitre, cyst etc (all benign) xx.

19-01-14, 19:51
IF you look straight at the mirror and then turn you head to one side do you see a swelling ( lump) at the base of your neck on one side more than the other?? If you have an enlarged thryoid gland then this is what you will see. I used to work for a thryoid advice charity as an advisor.
Some people have a more developed muscle on one side than the other especially if they have been doing something that exercises one side more.

Its very veyr unlikely to be anything sinister but only a Dr can say so make appt with your GP and see what they say.