View Full Version : Not sure what's happening now

30-12-13, 16:32
I lost a bit if weight earlier in the year but I was under a lot of stress and put it down to that, I ignored it.

The other day I went to have my back done at the chiropractor. She was looking at my lower back and pressed on my buttocks and asked which hurt more and was wobbling the skin and said that neither were very good. I didn't pay much attention.

I was in the changing rooms trying a bra on the other day and noticed I could see my ribs. I am really thin on my stomach and upper body now and its just not like me. Its just loose skin with no time whatsoever. I started then to notice my legs have no muscle, neither do my arms. Then the first points I just made started ringing in my ears.

I'm really weak a lot of the time, my calves have next to no muscle on them, just tons if loose skin. And when I even climb the stairs my legs ache so badly.

I was using a whisk earlier and only two beats and my arms were aching badly.

What is happening to me. I'm trying not to think and over analyse it. But my lifestyle hasn't changed, ie I'm not doing any less exercise. I haven't and don't do much other than running round after the kids.

30-12-13, 17:06
Sounds like you need a trip to your doctor it could be just a bit of fatigue but best to have a check by a professional

31-12-13, 10:09
Thank you for taking the time to reply

31-12-13, 10:42
I agree regarding seeing a doctor but one question I would ask is how much of your diet is carbohydrates ? It may be trendy these days to say "I don't eat carbs" but we need them to fuel the body. Of course most of us, especially me, get more than they require. You can try taking a spoonful of glucose and check the effect.
If your diet is balanced and you are getting what should be enough call the doctor ASAP. Something needs fixing.
All the best.

31-12-13, 13:16
I wouldn't say my diet is high in vitamins. I need to make changes to incorporate better meal planning. I wouldn't say my carbs are either excess or a minimum though.
I am low in ferratin stores which hasn't gone up much despite an iron supplement. Dr said this was probably just normal for me.

31-12-13, 16:45
Sounds like you are getting good dietary advice. I would say make that appointment. If your muscle mass is getting low it sounds like for some reason your body is using muscle mass as fuel. You can't do that for long.
If it isn't low carbs you have exceeded my limited knowledge so if I were you I would get dialing.
I hope it all works out.

31-12-13, 17:04
Great, I'm panicking now. So I must have some sort of cancer or ms or something then. Just when I stop worrying about myself then something awful happens. Happy new year to me.

31-12-13, 17:17
Hi mummyanxious,

Have you ever had your thyroid checked? It's common with either an underactive or overactive thyroid problem to lose a lot of weight quite quickly. (Sorry can't remember which one it is). My hairdresser had this problem and inbetween my hair apt (6 weeks) she went from a size 14 to a 10! Which actually pleased her. The medication puts things back in balance.

This is quite common and easily fixed. I'm sure if it was anything more serious you would have other symptoms i.e. pain somewhere.

Might be worth asking you doctor for that test. I'm sure you are fine.

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

Oh forgot, thyroid trouble causes a lot of fatigue, tiredness also.

31-12-13, 17:27
Hi. My Dad had a similar thing. Lost loads of weight without trying & very quickly. Turned out he was undiagnosed diabetic. They sorted out his blood sugars & the weight stabilized.


31-12-13, 17:42
Not diabetic, had my thyroid checked, all ok

---------- Post added at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

I didn't worry about the weight loss as it happened in a period of high stress, it just fell off me. Perhaps I have only just properly looked at my body, I don't know. Its just the fact I don't seen to have much muscle and they ache all the time doing small things.
When I went to the dr a couple of weeks ago he didn't seem concerned, felt my tummy etc as I'd gone about acid reflux. He checked my tummy, felt my liver, my lower abdomen etc and said I felt healthy.

31-12-13, 20:24
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I ran your symptoms past my wife who is in the health and fitness industry and is a physical therapist. Her first thought was adequacy of diet as well. She also used the "doctor" word. Maybe of benefit to talk to a reputable nutritionist. Start a food diary which he/she would want to see.
Diet is the easiest fix so I hope it is that. Have you tried the glucose trick ?

31-12-13, 21:00
I can't really afford that but thanks for the advice.

01-01-14, 13:18
Well I seem to be capable of stuff doing weight bearing tasks. I opened a stuck jar earlier that my sister couldn't open. Maybe I've just lost a lot of fat I don't know.
I have put on weight when I got on the scales today yet I look thinner which is worrying.

04-01-14, 22:10
If you don't mind me asking what is your height and weight ?