View Full Version : money worries

14-11-06, 09:51
hi folks
Money problems ifind are really fuelling my anxiety i work for myself and works is hard for me at the moment ive got no motivation for it, and have lost loads of work due to not being able to handle it hence my money problems is there anyone else out there in a similar situation?

14-11-06, 10:50
hi mick my hubby works for himself and has been ill recently,so i know were your coming from.we were talking about this the other day how he has lost out on jobs and it is hard.sorry i cant say anymore only i know how you feeling and things will get better for you im sure.tc tracy

14-11-06, 13:29
Hi mick,hope things pick up for you very soon mate.;)

Ellen XX

14-11-06, 20:21
Hi Mick

I know the feeling. My went self employed a couple of months ago and we're finding it hard struggling on no regular income. Its not helping the anxiety but he does his best to keep money coming in. I try not to think about it (because I worry the anxiety will get worse again) but its always there, especially when the rent is due! :(


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.