View Full Version : Counselling- finding somthing more?

30-12-13, 17:44
Well in Summary, as some of you will know I have had a few counselling sessions.
She asked me to think more about myself and my interests, what I am getting out of life or doing to enjoy my life. And I realised that this last couple of years I just havent enjoyed what I have been doing (College) and that I seem to of lost all of my hobbies and interests I used to enjoy.
Soo... in counselling we discorvered.. im not sporty or artistic and to be honest I am far to centralised around working hard and grades. I realised she was completely right, but this also made me feel really bad about myself :(
I feel as though i need some kind of hobby or interest that I can enjoy, preferably at home but i just dont know what. I was thinking bout nail painting or something but im not really good enough.. i like doing my makeup but i wouldnt be any good at doing that professionally really anyway. I dont know I just feel as though i need a hobby to take my mind off things, something i can really enjoy!

30-12-13, 17:50
Any hobby you take up you will not be perfect the first time. Do not be put off by starting a hobby for that reason. My hobbies are novel writing and knitting, both of which I was completely naff at doing at first. My novel writing has come leaps and bounds but my knitting is still iffy, but much better then at first. I want to try out violin lessons when I move, I know I'll sound like a cat being strangled at first, and probably for quite some time, but there's fun in the learning.

There's all sorts of hobbies you could try out:
Musical, learn to play an instrument
Creative writing, like short story writing or poetry
Craft, like knitting, crossstitching, sewing
Outdoors, like bird watching, hiking...
Fitness, jogging
Cooking or baking
And loads more! Give some a read on Google and try a few out and see how you feel.

Remember, it's not about how good you are at hobbies, it's how they make you feel.