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View Full Version : citalopram and flupentixol together

30-12-13, 18:04
im new on this site. my husband has major mood disorder and has been on flupentixol for over 20yrs and has been fine. about 10weeks ago, he decided he didnt need it anymore and stopped taking it! thats when it got bad, his moods swung from very low to very high. when i finally convinced him to see the doctor his flupentixol was represcribed, along with citalopram 20mg. since then, hes been slowly recovering, however, he doesnt sleep very well, has a dry mouth and his mouth seem to be open and moving a lot, which he says hes not conscious of doing. i would love to have my husband back to what he was but im starting to realise, this may be as good as it gets. i guess my question is is there anyone here taking citalopram 20mg and flupentixol 3mg together? what are the side effects you feel and has it made your moods better? thanks

31-12-13, 14:38
well, thank u all for ur response, that was quite helpful! smh!

31-12-13, 14:57
Hi ebony sorry to hear your troubles , it's a hard one to answer as we aren't doctors on here
Maybe speak to your doctor and get his view ?