View Full Version : Home from hospital after D&C

30-12-13, 18:32
This year has really been bad for me:lac: since june this year I have had 2 missed miscarriages and today I went into Hospital to have a D&C now home and in pain :weep:
had loads of issues the past 18 months think I got HA when i had a shock having to have my thyroid out after having my 5th baby last year:weep:

since then the past year or so, I'VE BEEN WORRYING over my groin lymph nodes my left side of my neck with 2 very small glands and breast scans for lumps that i had to have FNAs on; Thank god it was due to loosing the pregnancies and nothing more sinister.

I still worry over my neck nodes:weep: but gps and private doctors told me unless they grow they wont touch them. its been that way since july.
I have spent over £9.000 pounds this year on my worries
Today I feel numb and I need to make a new start for next year

No more private doctors or loads of visits to my gp.. and ive book CBT phone calls as i have 5 children and don't get any time to have one on one. I need to get the old me back, i'm hoping CBT will help me I did have to pay for that :hugs:

30-12-13, 19:35
I'm so sorry to hear what a horrible time you've had. I have never had D and C but have many close friends who have so I know it's pretty unpleasant. I hope you are able to rest tonight and get some help with the kids tomorrow. Hopefully CBT will help. Let's hope that 2014 will be your year!

30-12-13, 20:21
Thank you cattia x

30-12-13, 21:01
I had a d and c in november and the first couple of days it was painful but soon recovered very well. Good luck xx

31-12-13, 01:09
I am so very sorry for your loss! Prayers for you!!!