View Full Version : Anxiety has turned into depression ??

30-12-13, 19:04
Hello all, I don't post in this forum a lot but i am always lurking and have gotten a lot of help from this. Thank you for this !!! I used to suffer from depression and anxiety 15 years ago and took a lot of different anti depressants which had horrible side effects and withdrawals. This lasted for a maybe 6 years and i came off all medication and was doing really well. I had my son 2 years ago and for the last year i have been suffering with mostly GAD and health anxiety. I do not take any medication for this as i hate the way they made me feel. Before xmas i seemed to have come to terms with my anxiety it wasn't gone but i had accepted it and it wasn't scaring me rigid anymore (at least some of the time) and i was feeling A bit better more positive (less panic) or so i thought. For the last week or so i have felt really down and it is really confusing me as i thought i was coming around. I hate this blackness and don't know where to begin to help myself. i am struggling with it. Is this a normal occurrence and any ideas to help lift this blackness. I am having CBT at the moment but not due to see him again till the 9th of jan. It will be a month since i had it and i am missing it. :weep: Sorry for the long post !!! Thank you for reading !!

03-01-14, 20:55
How are you getting on? Think it's quite common for anxiety to cause depression and vice versa. Well it is for me anyway. Not sure which is worse but together they deliver a knockout punch. Horrible.

06-01-14, 17:57
hey thanks for the reply. I am still here the depression has lifted a good bit. i am working hard at keeping positive which can be very draining at times. My daughter has been sick for the last week or so. I always find that when there is something else to focus on i somehow pull myself together especially when it involves one of my children. Why cant life be easy !!! :shrug: