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View Full Version : Always buzzing/vibrating.....

30-12-13, 21:57
I've had so many horrific illnesses (not actually) that I should've been gone a long time ago. I wish I had a shut off switch.

I've been anxious my entire life. In the past two years it has turned to physical anxiety because I've been freaked out about MS/ALS. I've been fully evaluated and tested for everything neurological. I know my constant buzzing is anxiety related. Now I need to figure out how to turn it off and not think about buzzing everyday most of the day. I just want to be normal again.

Any tips??

I had nerve pain in my feet and hands when pregnant. It went away shortly after having my daughter. I still managed to get myself freaked out about it and that I had MS. All tests were normal. Told it was hormones by my neuro. A year later I started buzzing. This literally happened when my mom told me she was dying and it was very sudden. She passed away 2 months later. I've been buzzing ever since.

I need to get my anxiety under control and it is SO hard! Would love any advice. I read the MS sticky and love it! :)

30-12-13, 22:25
I had this buzzing thing too. It's annoying. It stopped when I started taking zoloft.

30-12-13, 23:02
Funnily enough I started getting that about four months after my first child was born and went through a massive MS meltdown. Actually these days MS doesn't even feature on my long list of feared diseases but it was right up there for a while. I found an osteopath who helped a lot. What really stopped it was getting pregnant with my second child, probably more than anything because I had something else to focus on. Bit drastic as a cure though!

30-12-13, 23:22
It is beyond annoying! I love being busy because then I don't notice it. I take the max amount of Zoloft. I bet I need a med change. I've only ever taken Zoloft. OR.....I just need to have a second baby! Lol! I will tell my husband that is the cure. It is nice to hear your buzzing went away. :D

30-12-13, 23:52
I used to get the buzzing thing. Mainly arms and legs/feet but sometimes whole body and often accompanied by twitching. Mine also started around three months after having my youngest son and I was diagnosed with moderate PND. I had a major hang up about MS for about a year which i am now ashamed about as i personally know 4 people who really have it. The buzzing did go and 11 years on I sometimes get fleeting buzzing when very anxious and also funnily enough as soon as I wake up on occasion. I think I often have stressful dreams, my husband sometimes wakes me from them as he says I'm crying etc, so the buzzing could be adrenaline? Body going into fight or flight mode. It feels like my whole body is wired up!

31-12-13, 00:16
I agree! Our nervous systems are on overload and can't calm down. I sleep great! My favorite time of the day. Buzz free!