View Full Version : Trying to understand anxiety

30-12-13, 22:52
Hi, just joined up because I need a place to post and seek advice on how to be a good girlfriend to my partner who has anxiety. It's been a rough month while he figures this out but I'm looking forward to getting out of this hole.


Follow The Sun
01-01-14, 15:09
Hi gff

It can be really tough for the partners, friends and relatives of people with anxiety etc - you feel so helpless! I know how you feel as I looked after a relative with depression for some time before I had experienced anxiety or depression myself.

But just the fact you've made the effort to find out about it yourself makes you a great support! I would say just let your partner know you'll listen, you'll give him space, you'll be by his side, you'll distract him, whatever he thinks he needs at the time (it changes quite quickly for people with anxiety!). I always find lots of questions difficult. Sometimes I don't want to go into it all in much detail as it's going round and round in my head... And it can be really stressful having to explain that a certain situation makes you feel anxious but you don't know why. My best friend is good if I say I'm not sure I can go to the pub/out shopping/whatever. She just smiles and says OK and suggests we get a pizza or a DVD or something - no questions!

Hope your partner starts to feel better soon.