View Full Version : Sore Armpit

Cú Chulainn
30-12-13, 23:04
I suffer from slight HA.
For the last few months I've had a massive spot/lump under my armpit.
It hurts like hell. And busts every 2 days then calms down for a few day before repeating the cycle all over again.
I'm going to see my GP in the new year, but was wondering if anyone ever had this

30-12-13, 23:45
I had this a few months ago. It was an infected sweat gland. I needed antibodics for it. Do you use an anti pers deorderant? If you do you shouldn't use it. It causes infections sometimes.

30-12-13, 23:46
You just posted this a few days ago...


Positive thoughts

Cú Chulainn
31-12-13, 00:23
I'm just worried that its something worse like HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA.

31-12-13, 00:50
You would have multiple bumps trust me it's just an infection

31-12-13, 01:18
I'm just worried that its something worse like HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA.

Say what? Who? Where?.. Did Dr. Google give you that diagnosis? ;) I'm willing to bet it's something much less sinister. You'll know soon enough when you see your GP in a few days.