View Full Version : Flu - scared to take meds

30-12-13, 23:36
Hi, I haven't been around much lately because I have been doing fine. But this morning I started having the flu and now I'm just overwhelmed with all of the symptoms related to fever. I took acetaminophen earlier but it took everything I had and I managed to convince myself that I had a faster heart rate because of it. Now I'm scared to take the next dose but I really don't feel well. I've been having those fears for about 2 years and it's hard when I'm sick to overcome them. I would like some reassurance please, thank you.

31-12-13, 00:48
I know exactly how you feel, I hate getting sick and think the worst.
Just remember the human body is more powerful than you think, especially us anxiety sufferers!
The flu is nothing to be alarmed about, you're young, not over 65?
The majority of people don't have any issues with the flu and you wont either, the only issues you have are you ;)
You'll be fine, after 3 days you should start to feel fine, drink lots of water.
I have a lemon by my bed and when I wake up I squeeze some of the juice into my mouth, I also sleep with a crushed garlic clover in my sock!!

Watch a movie, be kind to yourself, it's normal to get the Flu, you'll be resistant to this Flu in future so be happy!!!! ;)


---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:47 ----------

garlic clove - not clover ;)

31-12-13, 01:53
Thank you, it's very kind of you to have taken the time to answer my post. I'm having a really hard time right now. I took one ibuprofen about an hour ago and it has the same effect as the acetaminophen. This should convince me that it's all in my head, but I'm panicking. I just hope I'll be able to sleep a little. My heart is pounding. I hate it...

31-12-13, 02:44
i had this exact problem a few years ago. I was scared to death of tylenol because when i was 13, i had a panic attack right after taking it and i assumed it was because of the tylenol because i didnt understand what panic attacks were.

just know that it's a panic attack and it will soon pass. Tell yourself that it's just panic and i would talk on the phone or play a game until it passes. I hope you feel better, the flu is no fun.

31-12-13, 03:34
Thanks. I'm trying to get over it. My boyfriend told me that my heart wasn't beating that fast. I don't know what to think. I've been so good at managing my stress lately, but actual illnesses make it so hard. I know I have to accept the sensations. Sometimes I think that I just can't handle the fact that I may not be in danger and that all of this suffering is in vain.

31-12-13, 09:41
I have faster heart beat rate from EVERY fever killer. And it's not related to HA too-I had that reaction before I started experiencing HA. What I do is the following: I crush the pill, and dissolve it in chamomile tea. Than I drink the very hot tea (the hotter the better-to sweat it out) with the pill inside, slowly (it takes me about half and hour to drink it). After that, the heart usually beats much more normal and calming effect combined with fever fatigue usually enables me to sleep soundly for at least two-three hours (or more, if it's night).

31-12-13, 09:44
The fever itself is probably what's making your heart race. Do you have any paracetamol you can take? Hope you feel better soon x

31-12-13, 21:39
Emeraldgirl, I have nothing of the sort. My heart rate will go up a notch and will be more noticeable two hours after I take my dose. A very small dose. I guess anxiety can do things like that to the body.

31-12-13, 22:21
We've got some transatlantic confusion here--acetominophen and paracetamol (and Tylenol) are the same thing :). They just go by different names in different places.

And as you say, annie.hall, anxiety (especially on top of the flu bug) can do that to your body.

01-01-14, 04:05
Haha! Ok! I thought you were referencing to some beta blocker or something.