View Full Version : MAJOR Brain Tumor Fear... Please help!

31-12-13, 01:50
Hello, all!

I am a 19 year old female, and recently (the past 2 months), I have been dealing with a MAJOR brain tumor fear... This fear has impacted the quality of my life and makes every day full of nothing but worries, anxiety, and "what if's". I have been an anxious/nervous/worried person my entire life, and I recently saw a councilor at the university I attend due to severe anxiety/panic attacks from a traumatic experience that happened to me over the summer, and because I have a very very severe phobia of loud, sudden noises... Also, I have been diagnosed with Celiac disease and a kidney stone (just saying).

It all started when I started getting weird, mild, stabbing pains (that lasted BARELY a second or two) on the top of my head about 2 months ago. They were very mild, no where near severe, but I still worried about them. After a few days, the pains seemed to disappear and I relaxed a bit. In the back of my head though, I worried about a brain tumor.

A few weeks later, I got the pains again, still lasting about one or two seconds, but they were a tad bit more painful and seemed to be isolating themselves to the top/front LEFT side of my head. I would get these pains a few times a day for a few days at a time before they disappeared for another day or two. Once, again, I became even more worried about a brain tumor.
Sometimes, I would even get an extremely mild, dull headache above my LEFT eye, but it would go away on its own or with the help of some ibuprofen.
I also got mild tension headaches every once and a while too.

A few days ago, I woke up a bit hungover with a dull headache, and as the day went on (even after some ibuprofen), the headache isolated itself above my LEFT eye and LEFT side of my head and grew worse. It wasn't HORRIBLE headache, but it definitely wasn't fun to deal with. The headache finally subsided after taking a 5-375 Narco pain killer (hydrocodone & acetaminophen) that was prescribed to me because I am also currently passing a kidney stone. :(

And TODAY, I felt a twinge of pain above my LEFT eye, and I kept obsessively worrying/thinking about it, and it turned into some of those quick, stabbing pains in the same area, so I began obsessively worrying/thinking about those. Earlier, as I was fixing my hair, I shook my head vigorously back and forth and I felt a stab of pain on the front/top LEFT side of my head above my LEFT eye. I shook my head a few more times to see if it would happen again, and it did! :( Now I'm sitting here typing this up, scared to DEATH, shaking, and near tears with a headache on the left side of my head where ALL the pains were. :traurig001:

I have been attributing all of these pains to stress and anxiety, but I'm so worried that that's not the case.

~ Short, mild, stabbing pains on left side of head
~ Mild headaches on left side of head (sometimes; NOT daily)
~ Pain on left side of head when I shake my head

I hope that these symptoms are not from a brain tumor and that I'm just imagining them and/or manifesting them myself. :(
I know that my post is long and very wordy, BUT MY ANXIETY AND STRESS LEVELS ARE SO HIGH RIGHT NOW. SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP!!!!!! :( :( :(

31-12-13, 02:20
I just recently had this fear. Almost same exact symptoms. Stabbing pain on left side of head, pain on top of head. I had a dull headache for almost 2 weeks! I went to the doc and she gave me a blood test and told me it was anxiety. The pain in your eye sounds like a migraine another symptom of anxiety. 75% of brain tumors are metastatic. The presenting symptoms of brain tumors are hardly ever headaches. It's usually seizures or visual changes. I'm certain you are okay just anxious. Hugs

31-12-13, 02:24
Hugs back! :hugs:

Thank you so much! I feel a bit better now. The more factual reassurance I get, the better I feel. This is very hard to deal with, and I plan on talking to my counselor about all of this when I return to college in a few weeks. Until then, I hope I can continue to cope with my anxiety.

31-12-13, 02:27
Great plan :)