View Full Version : Worrying about other people's health

14-11-06, 10:29
As well as worrying obsessively about my own health, I'm also over-reacting about everyone around me.

My little boy came home from school on Friday with a tummy bug. I know this is such a normal thing, but I still couldn't help but worry if it were something worse.

Yesterday, my husband said he had a pain in his buttock, he's had it a few months. He only feels it when he runs, most of the time he's not aware of it. Sounds muscular from his description. This really worried me - I want him to get it checked out but he won't. I'm scared it's a sign of something "early stages" and if he leaves it til he's in more pain then it may be too late to treat.

I know the reason why I feel like this (because my friend tolerated her pain for a year before getting it checked out, then found out she has pancreatic cancer that had spread to her liver and was by then untreatable). Now I think EVERYTHING should be treated as suspicious until proven otherwise - "just in case". I also know this isn't normal, rational or healthy, but I don't know what to do about it.

I work in a private hospital and I type health screen reports (just 2 days a week). I find myself getting really anxious for other people when they have worrying symptoms or abnormal test results. I don't even know these people!

Sometimes I get really scared by my thoughts. I know that they are ruling my life, and I just want to push them to the back of my mind.

Does anyone else on here suffer anxiety for other people's health?

14-11-06, 10:35
Hi there ,
I can see where your coming from, im always worrying over things like tht especially my kids and hubby( who never worries boput anything) .Its exhausting, but because of our anxietys every thing is heightened. I too think its better to get things checked out early. I also think typing up medical reports would be a nitemare for me, i would have all these peoples symtoms..........Hope you feel better soon xx

14-11-06, 13:39
Ihave the same problem, i drive my other half nuts. If he says he has a pain etc i nag him till its gone - or keep asking him that if something goes on he will get it checked out. I'm not too bad with the kids as i worry i will make them like myself.
Stories like yours about your friend terrify me. I am frightened something will be missed (me & family) and it will be too late. A similar thing happened to my gran, but looking back she had had previous problems and probably chose to ignore some symptoms. I also lost a partner young. I think most diseases have other warning signs, your friend must have been so unlucky.
I wish there was some magic answer.
love anx x

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