View Full Version : hello, i'm new and need to hear some encouraging words about Monophobia.

31-12-13, 02:16
Hi, I am new and was looking for a forum that may have people that are struggling like me. I have Anxiety disorder and suffer from monophobia. I feel so discouraged. I feel frozen by just being alone for a couple of hours. It's ridiculous. I see all these people comfortably being by themselves with absolutely no problems. I envy that so much. It makes me feel so low.

If i could just conquer this, I think my confidence would improve ten fold. If there's anyone out there that deals with this, to the extent where you panic when you are home alone, or alone in general, please reply. I need some encouragement. And if there's anyone that has overcome this, please tell me your success story.

Thank you,
Christi :)

21-08-14, 08:26
I've just signed up to this website to hopefully find some encouraging news and saw your post. I was surprised to see no reply? Am I just not seeing it properly? I hope your feeling better and hope if you are? Can you give me any advise? I suffer with monophobia also. And like you are looking for encouraging helpful words or advise x

04-10-15, 08:56
Hi there I also suffer mono phobia and Agorophobia and feel like a child sometimes because I have to have someone with me 24 /7 I would love to get some feedback at how others manage this ,I'm sue and I'm 50 by the way

07-10-15, 21:34
I have been monophobic (my Dr calls it Agoraphobia with Panic disorder) for almost 6years now. Im 24 now :( I am very lucky in that I have managed to get a degree and have a good job but havent shopped..been home alone or travelled alone in 6 years. Having a bad day of anxiety tonight :(