View Full Version : Bowel Mucous - how much is normal?

31-12-13, 14:46
Sorry another bowel post!

I'm concerned as I sometimes pass a small amount of white mucous with my bowel movements. From googling, most sites say seeing a small amount is considered normal, it's having large amounts, especially with other symptoms, that you need worry. However, nowhere does it give a guide on how much is too much. I'm assuming what I have is small but would be grateful for any advice.

Firstly, I don't see mucous everytime. Typically, I'll see it 2 or 3 days in a row then nothing for a week or more. The longest gap I've had between sightings since I started monitoring it a couple of months ago was 23 days. Sadly, I can also tell you that out of 55 bowel movements I have seen mucous on 12 occasions. It usually appears as one small blob completely separate to normal looking stools that are certainly not mucousy. The blob is never bigger than a 5p coin (once) and usually considerably smaller than that. 4 out of the 12 could not really be described as blobs, more a trace.

So how much is a normal amount - a teaspoon? A tablespoon? More? Less? My mucous is not thick - when I tried examining it by lightly touching with my finger it's disintegrated and disappeared.

Reading this back it sounds pretty pathetic and trivial, but that's HA for you....

31-12-13, 15:56
A poo post with statistics! Fishmanpa will love this :-).

You're looking for a number, and this isn't a number situation, especially since if somebody does have a number I suspect you'll start measuring, which isn't good! Since you haven't described any symptoms, what you have here is not a symptom but a person who should stop monitoring their very normal poo. It is really pretty unusual for poo to tell you anything significant that you won't learn about from other symptoms or testing, and that sounds like a fairly considerable portion of your life you could be spending on something more rewarding. I understand that there's often an OCD component to HA, but understand that this checking isn't protecting you any more than fulfilling a tapping compulsion would protect you.

31-12-13, 16:07
A poo post with statistics! Fishmanpa will love this :-).

HA! I did see it and decided not to comment as I can be a little too off the cuff at times ;)

I do find it oddly ironic that this is a poo post by 'Debbie"doo"' :)

Whatever floats in your bowl I guess...

Positive thoughts

01-01-14, 13:12
I take it from the responses that this isn't considered to be anything lifethreatening which is sort of comforting. Yes I know reading it back it does sound pretty silly, but I can't help how I feel & I just hope you're right!

01-01-14, 13:43

Please forgive my lightheartedness concerning your post. I personally find poo threads and the fascination thereof a very "interesting" aspect of HA. It's certainly not to minimize your fears. At least it wasn't about finding a seed or having a lumpy anus ;) (many here know exactly what I'm referring to).

No, your concerns are not warranted and quite honestly, your poo is fine and sounds pretty normal to me. Unfortunately, bowel issues are quite common with anxiety so treating the root of your problem will help prevent and alleviate any chance of developing bowel issues or any of the other anxiety related physical maladies.

I wrote you a little poem. Hopefully it will make you smile :)

Debbiedoo, please don’t look at your poo
Don’t touch it or even keep notes
You’ll worry too much
If you use Dr. Google as a crutch
Just look at the anxiety it promotes

Happy New Year and Positive Thoughts!

01-01-14, 14:11
Lol. Beautiful - thank you :-)

14-01-14, 16:24
I this will probably raise a smile with some of you but I'm worried, I just can't help it. This morning after 18 days (yes 18 days!) of no mucus, there it was, white snowy blob standing out like a sore thumb next to the normal looking brown stool. I HAVE to know if this is a sign of something more serious especially as I have a family history of bowel cancer so have drs appointment booked for end of the week......

14-01-14, 16:50
I this will probably raise a smile with some of you but I'm worried, I just can't help it. This morning after 18 days (yes 18 days!) of no mucus, there it was, white snowy blob standing out like a sore thumb next to the normal looking brown stool. I HAVE to know if this is a sign of something more serious especially as I have a family history of bowel cancer so have drs appointment booked for end of the week......

A poo snow ball? I wouldn't want to get hit with that! ;)
Mucous in the stool is normal. Look... I'm a 1-2 according to my Bristol Stool Chart Coffee Mug (Yes, I did order one ~lol~). It's been that way for a long time. While it's not always comfortable being on the constipated side, it's normal based on what I've been through. and there's mucous too. I don't pay attention but when I do take a peek, it's there. Nothing sinister is going on. Speak to your Dr. the end of the week just to set your mind at ease for a while :)

Positive thoughts

14-01-14, 17:20
It just looks so weird and not normal! Of course I've consulted Dr Google and while some sites say a little bit is normal others say it should not be easily visible unless you have constipation, diarrhea, ibs - I have none of those.

---------- Post added at 17:20 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

It's also listed as a symptom of bowel cancer!!!!! Which I have a family history of bowel:-(

14-01-14, 21:15
Hi there
I get quite a lot of mucous with my poos. Sometimes it's mucous that is left behind (i.e. lots of wiping up but it's all just mucous); sometimes it's large white chunks in my poo (much larger than a 5p piece for me so wouldn't worry!)

I must say I've never really worried about it, but I have never suffered HA. It didn't occur to me it could be a symptom of something else, and I still don't think it is. With me it tends to get worse after certain foods - usually high fat foods - and those types of foods tend to give me diarrhoea as well. I guess it's what could be called mild IBS - the bowel is just a bit intolerant! That's what it seems to be with me anyway. I've had it for God knows how long on and off and it's never done me any harm.

I believe it can be caused by stress - sure I noticed that written somewhere.

I wouldn't worry about bowel cancer. That disease also runs in my boyfriend's family so I'm aware of the symptoms from having read leaflets about it (to try and get my boyfriend to start eating fibre!!) I can't remember ever reading about mucous. Normally they talk about blood and pain.

Wouldn't trouble yourself with it!

Oh yeah...you asked how much is too much. Personally my first thought with mucousy poos is a stomach bug or a parasite (I've had giardia before when I was a kid and I am told it was...erm...messy...) But I wouldn't personally consider myself to be ill unless the poo was largely mucous - like at least 50% mucous - and if I had other symptoms with it. I guess that's the point where I would think there might be something wrong, but I must say bowel cancer would be my last thought, as like I said I would assume I'd eaten or drank something or had a virus.

14-01-14, 22:16
Thank you - that helps a lot. Even though deep down I doubt it's anything serious it's the what ifs. Dr Google doesn't help (I know, I know). I'll be reassured by one site then another will say the complete opposite and I'm back to square one...

18-01-14, 09:20
So I went to see my GP who was lovely and very understanding. He said he doubts it's anything to worry about and the one and only time he referred someone for mucous it was nothing. However he could see how anxious I was and said he thought I would benefit from a specialists advice to reassure me. He suggested I went private as the NHS wait is very long and would not help my anxiety. I have an appointment next week :-)