View Full Version : My symptoms

31-12-13, 14:53
Hello everyone,

Firstly I must admit I was a bit reluctant to join here as reading some of the posts only fueled my anxiety. However as I have come to terms with the condition I realise that these forums are a fantastic source of help and inspiration.

I have only recently become a sufferer of anxiety and I am still trying to pin point what causes it for me (triggers etc) but I believe it is more to do with health anxiety. I'd never really heard of anxiety or how real it could feel so when I first suffered my attack it really scared me as I hadn't experienced anything on this scale before. For the past few months I have been on a slow and steady road to recovery with minor feelings of anxiety here and there that last a couple of days.

The reason I signed up is to feel accepted for the condition I have and to understand it more and also to not feel embarrassed by it.

I just wanted to also list a couple of symptoms I suffer from and would love to have some reassurance or advice or any form of help. For me to ask for help is quite a big thing to do as I normally feel determined to beat things or complete things by myself however with anxiety I believe it is best helped talking and letting your feelings out.

So what I fear most at the moment is heart attacks and strokes, It is difficult to describe the symptoms as they feel so real but currently my left side of my face feels numb and especially my left side of the tongue and mouth. I know nothing will happen but it's still there this feeling, I've looked in the mirror and I look fine, I've gone for walks I'm fine its only when I think about it it reappears.

Another symptom is the left side of my chest, although I do know this is caused by me being so tense all the time. Resulting in me pulling my left shoulder closer into my body to 'protect' me, I have noticed that I have started to do this alot tense my left side of the body which over a prolonged period of time has resulted in my having a muscle problem in my shoulder area.

Apologies if this doesnt make any sense at all I am still new to this thing called anxiety and a little inexperienced I must say. I have gone through the CBT course which has helped a lot!

I look forward to getting to know you all and bring on 2014 :)

31-12-13, 18:02
I think you have answered your questions yourself... "it's only when I think about it, it reappears" "tense the left side of the body" This says to me that your symptoms are anxiety related.