View Full Version : Fear of Cancer

31-12-13, 19:54
I am new to this forum but will try to explain my symptoms best that I can. I am terrified that I have cancer. A few months ago, the doctor felt a lump in my breast and referred me for a mammogram and ultrasound. They came back as fibrocystic changes. Every since then I have had horrible anxiety and everyday I think I have a different kind of cancer. I have had pain in my armpit for months and have been losing alot of weight. Probably 20 pounds in the last 5 months. Last weekend I was short of breath and had chest pains so I went to the emergency room. They ran tests on my heart, did a chest xray, a complete blood count, protein tests, and urine analysis. They all came back clean so the doctor said he believed it was anxiety. He felt in my armpit and could not feel a lump so he thought it was inflammation and prescribed me ant-inflammatory meds. When I told him I was worried about cancer, he said since all of the tests came back perfect, I should not worry. I read somewhere however, that a CBC will not show cancer so I am still freaked out. I also feel like I have a swollen node under my chin that comes and goes and have aches in my arms and legs that come and go. I don't know if this is all due to my anxiety or what. I never experienced anxiety attacks before the whole breast cancer scare. Can severe anxiety cause weight loss?

31-12-13, 21:23
Yes! It definitely can! During my worst period of anxiety I lost a lot of weight which of course caused me to worry more. You have so much excess energy and adrenaline in your body when you're anxious that it just burns up calories... PLUS it lessens your appetite!

And as for the blood work.. no, it doesnt show up a specific cancer, but if you had ANYTHING wrong with you, there would have been some markers show up in your blood which would require further investigation. You do not have cancer if your blood results were clean. (I know this from previously worrying about the exact same thing)

01-01-14, 19:40
Thank you Hangingbasket. I feel like I am going crazy. Everyday something new hurts, today my arm and leg on the left side ache along with my throat. My boyfriend thinks I am nuts and does not take me seriously since I am turning into a big hypochondriac. I try to keep my worries to myself since I know he gets annoyed with me.

01-01-14, 20:58
Are you getting any help for your anxiety?

02-01-14, 00:58
No, my health insurance does not kick in until this week so I have been waiting to go to the doctor. I plan on going and getting checked and getting help for my anxiety.

02-01-14, 09:39
Ok, good plan. But in the meantime, have a look around this site and you will find many helpful tips for feeling better. Try an online CBT course, they are great.
Also I would recommend getting a bit of exercise each day, cutting out caffeine and alcohol and have a look on YouTube for some meditation or relaxation techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation is particularly useful if you're suffering from muscle tension. Persevere with it though, it takes practice.
Its always a good idea to get a check over by the doctor and when everything is fine physically, they can help with the anxiety side of things. Meds worked great for me but I still have to put the other tools into practice.
Good luck :)

02-01-14, 17:19
You're not alone. This is a very common fear. I recently convinced myself that I had colon cancer and spent three miserable weeks preparing for the worst. My tests results were fine. Try and avoid Google, and remember, all of us get lumps and bumps and swollen lymph glands now and then. As others have suggested, a CBT course could help relieve your anxiety. Best wishes!

02-01-14, 20:48
Google is my worst enemy. Everything I feel something, even minor, I Google it. Of course everything says cancer.

02-01-14, 22:12
I too have been googling over the last few days and all sinister outcomes...tonight I am not going to do this, instead I have distracted myself with tv and coming on here! I've had a kidney infection and have convinced myself something sinister has caused it. I've been having weird symptoms, such as pain in my ovaries and in my groin. Very likely hormonal?My lymph nodes have been swollen and tender, again if they hurt hormonal. I've now had clear urine test, normal blood test, ultrasound ok apart from poly cystic ovaries which I've always had, I've even has a chest X-ray as was getting pain in my ribs. However, no...I still have something very wrong with me. I have never felt this way before, my anti depressants were changed to sertraline at the same time as antibiotics for kidney infection. This has caused severe anxiety and rationally I know there are lots of positives but I am convinced that something has been missed. This is a horrible condition which I hope when the sertraline kicks in will stop this googling addiction!! I've even considered seeing if I can ban certain search words on the internet? I totally know how you feel I also struggle with living in the moment, especially now I am convinced I have a serious disease, this is a mental illness and hopefully you can get the support which I have found so useful on this forum.

02-01-14, 22:43
Did you know Dr. Google is being sued for false diagnosis and causing undue fear to HA sufferers? It's been said he comes across like a computer algorithm when spoken to and could care less what he says or does, devoid of human emotion or an actual knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

His defense argues that people believing Dr. Google over a medical doctor that sees hundreds if not thousands of real life situations bring it upon themselves. He's got a point!

Positive thoughts

02-01-14, 22:45
I am sorry you are going through this Jojomarymoo. I know how you feel. No matter how many tests are done, I keep thinking they have missed something and before they figure it out it will be too late. Everyday some new symptoms appears. Today is is pain in my collarbone radiating to my ear. So tired of this consuming my life.

02-01-14, 23:37
I also have this fear and found it difficult to accept I don't have it. I have had 6 CBC in the last year ESR crp liver etc and all have been normal. I do now accept that my lymph nodes go up and down as I have had the cold twice and have had a cat scan on my sinuses which showed I had sinusitis. We just have to try to be strong and believe our drs as they train for years and know what to look for. I know its easier said than done. Trust me I have worried for 2 years. This year I am going to try my very hardest to get on with my life and not to worry. Enjoy my family especially my grandkids. Xx