View Full Version : Is this ever going to stop!

31-12-13, 21:55
Well been anxious really badly for over a week now ... Woke up this morning will a cluster of bumps in roof of mouth (not the ridges behind teeth) actual bumps... Feel unwell with a sore throat and all generally yucky ! I have to go to a do tomorrow night I can't believe this Iv been ran down with flu and anxiety for nearly 3 weeks now this has happened to me.. Does anyone else ever get like this ill for ages ? Or anything like what I'm saying ? ... And also happy new year people hope everyone has a bright and fabolous year x

31-12-13, 22:14
Stress taxes your immune system and everyone's catching colds and flu this time of year. Sounds like you're getting a sore throat or something.
Gargle salt water, take a few painkillers, I wouldn't bother with the do unless you feel up to it. Rest and get those stress levels down doing/watching/listening to/reading something you enjoy. Stop worrying !

Happy new year

01-01-14, 02:37
Hey thankyou for message unfortunately I have to go to do as I bought everyone's tickets on my card so for everyone to get in the cardholder has to be there with I'd as tickets are waiting at door otherwise no1 will be able to get in an everyone will have wasted £35 so will have to pay everyone back :-( x

01-01-14, 03:46
When my HA was at its worst I found that I was always getting strange things in my mouth. Sometimes it would be ulcers Other times. It would be weird lumps. I even seemed to get blisters. I would try to rationalise it eg "you ate something that caused the ulcers" or "the potato etc was too hot so it caused blisters or lumps" of course I would then think "but that never used to happen before so it must be the symptoms of some kind of oral cancer" I don't notice those types of things now. I still don't know if all the oral things were nothing new and I had always had them or if the anxiety was making my mouth more sensitive and causing things to pop up. That's the trouble with HA you are so focused on your body thay you misinterpret the usual and normal for something unusual and sinister. Go to your event and just keep saying to yourself that it is all anxiety related. It won't stop you feeling things and doubting that they can possibly be nothing but it will act as a kind of buffer.