View Full Version : If anyone is still awake... I need help sleeping

01-01-14, 04:49
It's roughly 4.45am here in the UK and I still can't sleep. It's making me seriously stressed, anxious and paranoid about everything; even small things like if I turned all the plug sockets off. Especially with all this work I have right now I'm finding it extremely difficult to both cope with it and to also stop stressing and worrying over it all the way through the night until stupid hours of the morning. If anyone could please help me with ways to unwind and relax or well....sleep right now I guess‚ I would be eternally grateful :)

01-01-14, 22:04
Hi there, hope you got to sleep eventually. The harder you try the worse it seems to get but I just try and clear my mind (easier than it sounds huh?)

I am waking up at 4.30am every morning regular as clockwork just lately.

01-01-14, 23:25
I'm feeling the same right now - I mean I'm exhausted, but my mind is racing... Freaking me out! :(