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expecto patronum
14-11-06, 12:59
I thought I would just suggest a meet up for a Christmas party in London, as people from all the surrounding areas should be able to get there. Please say whether or not u are interested and make any suggestions for a date or venue...

14-11-06, 14:30
Sounds like a great idea Rossie. Unfortunately I'm in the West Mids so it would be a "thanks but sorry no".

A small point though, a lot of folks in here don't do Christmas that easily...and a load do I guess. Why not just call it a December get together? (Please note, anyone else reading, that is nothing to do with political correctness)

Hope you get something sorted out.


Laissez les bon temp roulez

14-11-06, 14:59

Great idea but maybe out of London somewhere.

A lot of people are not happy going on tubes/buses/trains in London - I know I am certainly not! and the parking charges are ridiculous

Just a thought anyway.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

14-11-06, 15:21

i would love to meet up, but im afraid im in glasgow.. if it was glasgow i would jump to the chance...

Just to far away for myself..

take care
lucy x

14-11-06, 18:06
i live in essex romford anyone from this areax

11-12-06, 16:36
im in wickford-have sa-a meet in london is on the social anxiety website-been to a few of there meets-good laugh! a social evening for anti-socials!! www.social-anxiety.org.uk

11-12-06, 19:51
I might be up for a London meet, traveling up from Bexhill (between Hastings and Eastbourne) on the south coast. I've a sister in Belverdere, who i've driven up a couple of times lately to. I come from Petts Wood (between Orpington and Bromley) originally - birth till 22! Yep if you want to arrange anything let my know, i'll come and if i can assist at all let me know. Love Paul.

Love to all members

11-12-06, 20:15
hey i have an even better idea, we could have 3 meet ups, one for england and wales, one for scotland and one for us lovely lovely people over in the isle of ireland,

what ya think????

that way we all get a chance to join in the fun


11-12-06, 21:11
Steve, having meet ups is a brill idea, but in an ideal world we would need more than that!

I think travelling any distance is a big deal for many people (and thats not counting people with agoraphobia) and we need a local member who can make a regional meet-up 'happen'.

I think the new year is an ideal time to promote a specific meet-up - at the moment so many people are too busy with Christmas and it will skip their minds




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers