View Full Version : Does anyone relate to me , help wanted

01-01-14, 16:05
Hi i havent been diagnosed and have never tried to be , last winter i was on fluoxetine and diazepam for depression but that isnt my problem. This is getting worse and i need help, does anyone know what is wrong or how i should deal with it. My main issue is crippling fear and how my head works. A couple of examples this week is that when out i made an apologetic joke about shouting and one person turned round and asked me what i said. I then managed to turn this into that the person was furious with me and would be coming to find me and attack me. I constantly go back over old conversations and will think oh no i said this about that person last year what if they find out and come and get me i go back 5-6 years worrying over what i said how i worded things what may happen. I make these scenarios that the person finds out and hates me and comes to get me and it sounds silly but its cripling and real and im terrified, Everyday i say to myself not to say anything wrong, think about every word but it always goes wrong and i say something to someone i have to worry about. Its exhausting as as soon as i get over one worry another comes along, im iratable or in tears on a daily basis lately. Im clearing my garage out is another example and when something sells im thinking what if it breaks and hurts someone or with books what if something was in the pages from an old owner and its private , or what if something gives someone germs or what if something electrical goes wrong. I then send text after text telling them to wash items check everything that im sorry i hadnt checked every page in books . After i text them im then imagining them finding something they dont like and coming straight round to get me. I scrub and check everything , i had my husband on his hands and knees checking a candle stick for anything loose or flaky yesterday. Its horrendous can anyone relate and how do i get better thanks

01-01-14, 17:34
Hi Clerlm, this kind of thinking is really classic of anxiety. Things go round and round in our heads and we imagine the worst. It is exhausting to think like this all the time.

Did the fluoxetine and diazepam help with these thoughts at all? The diazepam certainly should have, though the fluoxetine is one of those things that doesn't work for everyone. It might be worth going back to your doctor again. If you have trouble talking about this, perhaps print out your post and take it with you, as you've explained things really clearly here.

There are a lot of options that can help. Antidepressants and other medications can help to lift symptoms of anxiety, but therapy can teach you coping mechanisms to use long term. Often a combination of meds and therapy is the best option.

Remember that when someone buys a second-hand item they accept the risks that come with that. You're not responsible for what people do with the items or what a previous owner may have left in them. Well I guess you know these things, but the right treatment can help stop your mind taking over and leading to all the anxieties you've talked about.

01-01-14, 20:53
Hi thank you Edie, i apreciate your reply. The fluoxetine up until about 6 weeks was horrific but after that it did help. I stupidly decided to stop taking it as i thought i was fine but its all gone rapidly down hill. The diazepam were brilliant and really helped but my doctor would only prescribe 1 a day for the first 4 weeks then said no more which made me panic. Ive bought some tablets off ebay that are a sleep and anxiety aid. They are good but i am falling asleep into the next afternoon on just one so cant really take them often. I just sold a lamp, i sold it as not working and my husband said i told the lady 13 times that it didnt work. Im still worried in case she thinks it works even though i plugged it in to show it didnt work. This really is horrendous and i like your idea of printing my part of this out as i cant find the words when i get to the doctor and just say im a bit down instead. Thanks for your reply i appreciate it

01-01-14, 21:55
Hi thank you Edie, i apreciate your reply. The fluoxetine up until about 6 weeks was horrific but after that it did help. I stupidly decided to stop taking it as i thought i was fine but its all gone rapidly down hill. The diazepam were brilliant and really helped but my doctor would only prescribe 1 a day for the first 4 weeks then said no more which made me panic. Ive bought some tablets off ebay that are a sleep and anxiety aid. They are good but i am falling asleep into the next afternoon on just one so cant really take them often. I just sold a lamp, i sold it as not working and my husband said i told the lady 13 times that it didnt work. Im still worried in case she thinks it works even though i plugged it in to show it didnt work. This really is horrendous and i like your idea of printing my part of this out as i cant find the words when i get to the doctor and just say im a bit down instead. Thanks for your reply i appreciate it

Hi there. I write everything down before I see my GP so I don't forget.

Over-analyzing and worrying about things that are not there are where I am at the moment but I know the only way is up :)

Hopefully your husband will support you, my wife is really being amazing to help get me thru this time. I am back on my Citilapram but seeing the GP on Friday where I will ask about the best treatment and CBT.