View Full Version : Bubbling feeling around chest

01-01-14, 17:03
I just got a horrible bubbling feeling in my chest and around my left shoulder and it's left me rather anxious. I got spiked with cocaine last night and I don't know if I would have damaged anything.

help help help

01-01-14, 17:07
Cammy- this is truly anxiety. You are dwelling on the fears you have which is making your sympathetic nervous system go into overdrive (since you were drinking jaager bombs last night you also stimulated your SNS that way). I know it is a terrible way to feel, but the more you feed your fears, the more your body will over-react in protection mode.

I believe you are still at work, but can you try some deep breathing from your diaphragm? In for four seconds, hold two seconds, and out for six seconds.