View Full Version : Worrying this is more than just a stomach bug...

01-01-14, 20:40
Happy New Year all!

So since Boxing Day I haven't felt great, felt a bit bloated with some tummy cramps. Then on the 27th my boyfriend came up to visit and the day after that I felt awful with really bad stomach pains, nausea and feeling like i needed the loo - but I was definitely constipated.

The day after I tried to make myself feel better and we went out for dinner and I forced myself to eat some. In the middle of my night my boyfriend woke up sweating and pale and vomited a lot and had some diarrhoea. That set me off as well and we were both up for hours throwing up and having diarrhoea.

The vomiting has now stopped, but my tummy still hurts and it's still really difficult to eat. I feel sick after eating, feel like i still have lots of trapped wind and i'm mostly constipated, but when i do go my stools are yellowy and a bit watery :( I'm also still tired and weak.

I've read that a stomach bug only lasts about 3 days - but i'm on about day 5 now so i'm starting to think it might be something much worse :( I think it's getting better, and I know it must've been contagious as my boyfriend came down with it too... but I can't stop thinking the worst!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated - I don't want to start the year with another full-blown panic on my hands.

Thanks so much for reading my rambly nonsense.

Love Kittenface xXx

01-01-14, 20:47
I had a stomach bug and it's my 5th day and still feel nauseous when I think of food. It depend of th type of virus it can last a week. Make sure you drink a lots of fluids and bland food and you will be fine soon.

01-01-14, 22:35
My family and I had a stomach virus back in September and it took me almost a full week to feel back to myself again. I hope you feel better soon!!!

02-01-14, 20:23
Hiya. Both times recently I've had stomach bugs I've still felt absolutely DREADFUL after 5 days, and both times went to Doctors scared it was something else. But they assured me you can feel awful for up to 2 weeks. It also takes time for your stomach to settle back down and for you to be able to eat normally again.