View Full Version : Mouth abscess two of my worst fears

02-01-14, 06:49
Hi , I am pretty sure I have a mouth abscess, last night I had toothache and this morning my left side of face from nose down to chin is swollen not only do I look very strange but I am worried. I know I have to go to the dentist but I struggle to take antibiotics due to fear of side effects I am also scared of the dentist and now am worried the swelling is not going to go down. I felt quite calm about it when I got up but am now starting to feel panicky. Apparently the GP cannot help with things like this and it has got to be the dentist ? Thanks for reading.

02-01-14, 06:52
What kind of side effects from antibiotics are you concerned about.?:)

02-01-14, 07:01
Heart and breathing problems mainly, I did not take the last lot I was prescribed (tried my best though) x

---------- Post added at 07:01 ---------- Previous post was at 06:54 ----------

Also scared of allergic reactions, eyelid and lip swelling and rashes.

02-01-14, 07:02
It does sound like you need to see the dentist, and antibiotics may be on the cards. But if you explain your previous SAs and anxiety they may be able to prescribe a more suitable antibiotic.. There's no shortage of choice with those drugs. It may also be the case that an anti inflammatory is all that's required. Have you any issues with those.?

02-01-14, 07:09
Thanks for replying, I am scared of my most meds but would feel happier about an anti inflammatory. I was fine with antibiotics until I read one of the leaflets one day and have been scared ever since. I definitely need to see the dentist today, my face feels really swollen and my chin is throbbing. My dentist knows I have HA but is only sympathetic to a point . x

02-01-14, 07:23
I know your fears aren't rational, but if you can try to keep in mind when you read med leaflets that there not so much about informing you about the product but more about protecting the manufacturers from being sued.

I think a lot of the SAs listed on those leaflets were never evident in the trialling of the drug.

Best of luck today xxx I'll love you and leave you,,, off to work now:winks:

02-01-14, 07:26
Thanks Bexie, dentist opens at 9am so need to try and get in today. x

02-01-14, 17:12
I'm back from the dentist and it is an abscess, I have been prescribed metronitrazole (spelling) it is an antibiotic and I took one as soon as I got home. Did not think about it and I did not feel anxious neither. Perhaps the pain I am in has something to do with it!

03-01-14, 09:19
Have now had three of the antibiotics feel breathless and dizzy , sure it is something to do with the antibiotics, I don't know whether to take more or not, my swelling is not much better neither. I wish I had not taken any now.

03-01-14, 09:38
It takes a couple of days for antibiotics to kick in and start working, so don't expect any change just yet. If you feel the breathless and dizziness has to do with your anxiety levels then some relaxation or breathing exercises should help.

03-01-14, 10:18
Oh dear Alma, I know what it's like to be scared of taking medication but please try and persevere with the antibiotics as an untreated abscess will be very painful. Tell yourself that the breathlessness and dizzy spells are down to anxiety, dont focus on them and hopefully they'll go away.

Let us know how you get on. :hugs::hugs:

03-01-14, 22:51
Hey alma. I just saw this thread. Sorry u r suffering, horrible isnt it when u have an abscess?
Right ... moving swiftly on .... lets talk antibiotics...... My interpretation is this ..... Until u read those side effects, u were ok with taking antibiotics b4 therefore (thinking logically) it's a psychological issue here not a physical one (if see what I mean).
So, the psychological effect of taking the meds? That is the key I feel. Your breathlessness and dizziness I am sure is indeed darned anxiety.
Sooooo, alma, what r we to do to help u? First off, showing understanding.... It must be very difficult to take these tablets but it would be best for you. It is scary to face your fears but as most often we find out by facing them, it is the anticipation that is worse.
You definitely need to try some relaxation and/or breathing techniques. It might b that you've tried this already ,but I recommend it as I have always found these very helpful.
Usually I'd suggest keeping busy and getting into something but as u r feeling poorly that's not as easy to accomplish.
Mainly though, please try not to worry about taking these meds. I can guarantee that any of us who read those leaflets automatically focus on what we are scared of most & then it becomes a huge issue. I was the same with fluoxetine, I put off taking it for such a long time and then when I did.... Well I had no side effects.
Oh alma, I hope I am being helpful here..... I just want u to get better my friend. Do let us know how u r won't you.... Sending healing hugs & lots of understanding m:-)

04-01-14, 06:56
Thanks Honeylove, Bernie and Tessar, I am feeling very emotional and depressed at the moment and your support made me want to cry. I have now had 5 of the tablets, I still feel breathless and now sick but maybe it is anxiety making me feel like this, I mentally always assume I am going to suffer side effects from meds and it's like a vicious circle, my abscess is a bit smaller but my face still looks swollen. The dentist did say the tooth would need root treatment possibly but not sure until they do an X-ray. Your replies were very helpful and thank you to all of you. xxxx

04-01-14, 11:40
Sorry to hear you're not feeling good. From what you have said it sounds like the antibiotics are working so try to focus on that. You can do this, not long now until you've finished the course. :hugs:

04-01-14, 12:34
Hi Alma I have just noticed your thread, so sorry you are going through this. My anxiety symptoms always get worse when I have anything physically wrong with me and I am sure this is what is happening to you. The antibiotics will start to work soon and hopefully your anxiety levels will drop again. Antibiotics always make me feel a bit yuck but I just keep telling myself that they will soon all be gone and I will feel better for taking them. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

04-01-14, 17:01
Thanks again all, I don't have many left to take now and my swelling has subsided as today has gone on , my anxiety has been slightly better, just waiting for the depression to lift. Take Care all :hugs:

04-01-14, 18:10
I'm just like you with meds. My husband says it doesn't matter what I take I always 'imagine' the side effects! It took me 20 years to take a paracetamol! I had to take a new tablet this morning for my ongoing stomach problem and was shaking from the minute I took it. It hadn't even gone into my system! As far as your abscess is concerned, well done for taking the antibiotics! I had one last year and they are horrid, but hopefully now it is on the mend. Good luck with the root treatment x

05-01-14, 20:05
Thanks Jilly, as the days have gone on the worry about the antibiotics has lessened slightly, well done for taking your new meds, sometimes the fear of taking them is worse than actually doing it, that is what I keep telling myself! xx

10-01-14, 19:39
Alma.... How u doin?

10-01-14, 19:44
Hi Tessar, I'm ok thanks, abscess has now gone (hung about for a while) and antibiotics finished. Mood wise, still feeling rubbish , not the start to the new year I wanted. Hope you are well dear Tessar. x

10-01-14, 21:03
Hey alma, it's good that your mouth is healing well. But not so good u feel rubbish generally tho :-( sending u hugs. I feel better 2nite than I did this morning. That time of year I suppose.