View Full Version : new and confused

02-01-14, 08:50
Hi to everyone and wish you all the best for the new year.

I am new to this site and to be honest new to this anxiety/panic disorder I have developed. Lived a normal, independent life up until three months ago and then bang got hit with disorder, don't know where its come from and I certainly don't understand it. Hope someone can shed some light on the situation. x:blush:

Follow The Sun
02-01-14, 09:55
Hi Woody. I'm a 33-year-old female and I've got anxiety/panic disorder too. I've always been a bit on the stressy side and quite shy but the panic attacks still came out of the blue. But talking it all through made me realise things had been piling up for a while with no outlet - work, relationships etc. My first port of call was a hypnotherapist to help with relaxation, even though I'm quite sceptical about stuff like that. It definitely took the edge off things. Relaxation CDs, especially one by Dr Hilary Jones from This Morning!, and mindfulness meditation have all helped too. I was on Citalopram for three years which sorted me out. Came off it in the summer but had a blip this winter so back on it now for a while.

Have you read any books or talked to your GP about it? Panic is actually a perfectly normal response to threats, it's just not very helpful when everyday situations trigger it!

02-01-14, 10:29
I am 35 years old and also stress, mine is a long story and may be when you've got time I'll tell you about it. I can not take citalopram because I had a bad reaction too them. My GP is great and on Monday I start therapy...just a bit nervous.

Follow The Sun
02-01-14, 10:41
Therapy is a bit daunting for those of us who just like to get on with things and deal with everything by ourselves (don't know if that sounds familiar!) But I found it quite reassuring to know I wasn't the only one who was thinking the way I did and the therapist had lots of experience with it.
Sorry to hear about your experience with citalopram. There are loads of different kinds of meds but hopefully you can get through it without. Feel free to tell me more whenever you feel like it!

02-01-14, 10:48
Hi, I took SSRI anti depressants & had a bad reaction. There loads of other options out there. It would be worth having a chat with your GP.

02-01-14, 11:07
I am not quite the average person when it comes to medication, my heart failed in my sleep and to cut a long story short I spent over six months fighting for my life, I had open heart surgery which lasted nine hours and have spent a number of years re-building my life. I have spent years on medication and at times I have been on over thirty tablets a day, certain medication I can not take and to be honest certain medication I won't take. I don't knock those who take the medication because if it works for them ...great!. For me, I have to take medication because of my condition, but I have gone from not being able to walk, talk and been fed through a drip to a person who has battled the odds and with determination as led a normal independent life for a couple of years, then came the anxiety/panic attacks. So, if I can find a way without medication, no offence to anyone then I've got to.
It may be hard to understand and I really don't want to offend anyone, I will try any therapy, but medication as got be a last resort for me.

hard to live with
02-01-14, 12:36
Hi i suffer from anxiety a horrible thing the worst thing is it can not be seen so people just dont understand how dibilatating it is anyone else like this

02-01-14, 13:20
I know on the outside you look 'normal', but inside you have the most strangest feelings and symptoms, an over whelming fear that so controlling, its hard to put into words.

02-01-14, 13:24
Hey Woody,

I am a 36 year old wife and mom of two (4 year old and 5 month old). My panic attacks also developed "out of the blue" and quickly turned into panic disorder with agoraphobia. I could not (and still have trouble sometimes) believe it was happening to me. Now in hindsight it is obvious that I had stress building for a long time- and after a very difficult pregnancy this summer that put my life and our baby's life in danger (included nine weeks of strict bedrest and 5 1/2 weeks in the hospital- hemorrhages and emergency c-section), along with my mom being diagnosed with breast cancer and my dad having a massive heart attack......my nervous system had had enough and decided to go into "protection mode" full time and in full force.

The two biggest pieces of help I can offer (and I think they will help you immensely) are:
1.) Get "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weeks.
2.) http://nothingworks.weebly.com

These two reads are equal to all the therapy and medication I have had.
Best of luck to you-- you have found a good community to help you through this!

02-01-14, 15:41
Thanks I will read those threads in a min, I can see why your nervous system took a knock. Mine will be the same, stress related because the last six months as been hectic for me too. I suffer with a rare heart condition and spent two months worry because after a routine scan, something showed up, but fortunately that is now clear. Then my mum, whom I am very close to had emergency hip replacement surgery, which had complications, my son travels around the country boxing and has had a few fights in the last few months, which have had us running around like nutters. My sister in law with breast cancer. my niece rushed in hospital with swelling on the brain. Then Christmas and other things, too be honest I think the stress has broke me.

02-01-14, 16:29
Yes...it sounds exactly like you have just had too much to deal with, and your body is doing what it was created to do--- protect you. Unfortunately, the protection mode can feel awful.

As you begin the journey back to peace feel free to visit with me at anytime. If there is anything I can share that might be helpful- I would be so happy to do so. I am rather a newbie here, but have already learned so much.