View Full Version : First visit to counsellor

16-07-04, 09:35
I saw a counsellor for the first time last night and really enjoyed it, it was a bizarre experience as she didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know and the ideas she had about what could be behind my anxiety/obsession were the sorts of things I'd already considered but yet it still felt helpful to me.

Think it might just have been because if an "outsider" can see these things then maybe it's easier to accept than when people close to you are telling you.

Must admit I woke up this morning feeling a bit down though despite feeling quite good last night after the session - think it's just because the reality of the fact that I will still have these upsetting thoughts and feelings are still there and won't just magically disappear overnight.

She also suggested getting some sort of distraction (ie. hobby) in my life so I'm hoping that because I will be seeing her again in a couple of weeks that it will give me the incentive to sort something out before then, as otherwise I'd probably just let things tick by without sorting anything out.

How did everyone elses first visit to counsellors go and did they find it beneficial ?

16-07-04, 10:44
Hi there

My first visit to a counsellor was very similar to yours - I think I already knew everything that I talked about during the session but it sort of helped to put it into perspective plus it was good to have someone else listen without being judgemental.

Stick with it - I only had a couple of sessions before I went on my hols (having to pay for them myself is the problem - I went away to get married a few weeks ago and my GP said if I wanted to see someone before I went I should go privately as the surgery waiting list is months long). I'm really glad I did and once I can afford it, I'll definately go back for more. Don't worry about feeling a little down today, sometimes its quite emotionally exhausting talking about all your fears and worries so I think what you're feeling is quite natural. As you go along, this should ease and you'll start to feel a whole load better.

Good luck

Love Jo xxx

16-07-04, 11:30

I had my first session with a counsellor who is doing some CBT on me on Monday. I enjoyed it and felt so much better until today. He managed to persuade me that I'm not mad but now the old fears are creeping back in. I'm no going to giveup though and neither should you. These things take time and it will work in the end. I'm glad you tried it. Your counsellor is definately right about the hobby, you need to distract yourself, I go to aerobics. Stick with it, and at the end of the day even if it only provides a few hours of relief at the beginning, it's better than none at all!

16-07-04, 13:19

Thanks for your comments. I'm in the same boat - going privately and it is very expensive isn't it !

I was put on a waiting list for NHS counselling but it was taking so long to be honest I thought I wanted to get it sorted out while I was in that frame of mind so that's why I chose a private counsellor.

I'm hoping to be able to afford sessions every couple of weeks at first but I'll have to see how things go.

I was amazed how easily I found it to talk to a stranger - I thought I would be really guarded but to be honest it was so much easier than speaking to someone close.

I do feel quite drained today but by the sound of what you said that's quite normal - and hopefully a good sign!

16-07-04, 16:25
Hi Mell

i had my first visit to a counsellor last week, I was feeling very anxious before I went but I must admit I felt better once we 'd chatted. She told me to buy a cd called Complete relaxation by Glenn Harold which has arrived through the post today, so tonight before Big Brother I think I'll have a chill out session...................

take carechuck and I'll report back on the effectiveness of the cd soon


24-07-04, 14:27
I have seen a couple of counsellors since i was about 7 but i am now seeing a cognitive behavioural therapist and she has been brilliant.

Your first experience sounds much like mine, i felt really good but then really silly for actually having to see one in the first place!!

I really look forward to seeing her now which sounds odd but any problems ive had in the week all get sorted out in one session!!