View Full Version : Frequent urination and really struggling! Please help!

02-01-14, 13:47
I posted about this about 2 weeks ago but I'm still struggling and just need some reassurance and comfort. I apologize if this is long I'm going to explain the whole story. Early in December I had went out to get my hair cut at a friends house. I came home and my husband was getting ready to put the kids to bed. My oldest son had a cold so I decided to rub vicks vapor rub on his feet and chest and back. Afterward I washed my hands and then had to go to the restroom. I was feeling completely fine beforehand. After I went I had instant burning sensation like you get when your have a UTI. I questioned whether I got some vicks down there and it was causing the symptoms. So I got into the shower trying to wash it off. The sensation calmed down a bit but was still there. It lasted several days. Some days were better than others. It started on a Thursday night and on Monday afternoon I decided it must be a UTI and went to the Dr. The Dr. did a urine test in the office (dip stick) and it came back clean, no raised white cells, no bacteria, no sugar. She gave me a 5 day course of Cipro 250 mg twice a day anyway. I felt better after the antibiotics but the feeling of pressure of constant urination has remained. Some days are better than others, some days I feel 100% normal no trouble. I will admit when I was at the Dr. she brought up a few things that could be causing it if it's not a UTI. The one she brought up that scared me big time was Interstitial Cystitis. I had previously done some googling (bad I know) on it when I was looking up my symptoms. I read so many terrible stories and the disease just sounds awful. UTI's are one of my worst fears as I cannot stand the feeling it gives you but this "UTI" was different. I didn't have the burning while urinating just the pressure feeling that I have to go often and some urethral sensations. Anyway, after I finished the antibiotics I felt ok but my anxiety was up BAD! I couldn't do anything besides sit on my couch. My Mom had to come over during the day to help me with my kids while my husband was at work. On Christmas Eve I had to call my husband home early because I was such an anxiety mess. Through Christmas I started to let go some of the anxiety, being around my while family helped a lot. I felt pretty good the week between Christmas and New Years. I had my moments and felt symptoms occasionally but otherwise felt pretty good. New Years Eve we had a party at our house with our families and we had a great time, I felt great too. Then yesterday, New Years Day my anxiety came running back. I've been a wreck since and having symptoms on and off. My kids are at my mother in laws for a sleep over right now and my husband just left for work and I'm just a mess. Do you think my symptoms are legit or anxiety? I'm terrified of Interstitial Cystitis or anything else serious. Could my symptoms be related to that or is this in my head? Please somebody help me! I went this past Monday for my yearly women check up and had a pap done. The Dr. said she felt "fullness" coming from either my uterus or right ovary she couldn't tell so she is sending me for an internal ultrasound next Friday. Not sure if that is related but just thought I'd throw it out there. My husband has been extremely supportive but I can tell he is getting annoyed with my anxiety I won't even have sex b/c I read that it can set symptoms off so I've been avoiding it and I feel bad b/c we are usually an active couple. :( Thank you for reading if you read this far. Bless!!!!

---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

PS I just feel I'm never going to escape this and this is my life now. I've never felt this way before. I've always had anxiety, especially when I think something is wrong. A few years ago I was terrified of a heart attack and would have symptoms daily. That eventually passed, thankfully. btw I am a 29 year old female.

02-01-14, 15:02
Leslie, from what the urologist told me if you don't have serious pain it's highly unlikely to be interstitial cystitis, and it doesn't seem to start out as a painless version. GPs often use that term interchangeably with irritable bladder, which has symptoms more like a painless UTI.

Have you made an appointment to see a urologist? That would be the next step.

02-01-14, 15:07
Leslie, from what the urologist told me if you don't have serious pain it's highly unlikely to be interstitial cystitis, and it doesn't seem to start out as a painless version. GPs often use that term interchangeably with irritable bladder, which has symptoms more like a painless UTI.

Have you made an appointment to see a urologist? That would be the next step.

Thank you for the reassurance. I guess I've read too much on google of patients of interstitial cystitis where all they have is frequency and no pain. I have no set up an appointment with a urologist. I started with my OB/GYN since I already had the appointment and she is sending me for the ultrasound to check on my ovaries next Friday. My GP told me if the antibiotics didn't' work she would refer me to a urologist but I have no called back b/c the symptoms are so sparadiac. They definitely come and go.

If it is irritable bladder, will it go away?

02-01-14, 15:49
I think it does for some people; I know we've talked about the possibility of diet and medications being related to the symptoms, so you may want to keep an intake journal to spot patterns--obviously if you can minimize the irritants it's less of a problem.

02-01-14, 16:30
I think it does for some people; I know we've talked about the possibility of diet and medications being related to the symptoms, so you may want to keep an intake journal to spot patterns--obviously if you can minimize the irritants it's less of a problem.

I am not on any medications other than an asthma inhaler as needed so I know it's not medication related. I do not drink soda of any kind, no coffee, tea or any kind of juice so it's not caffeine or acidc drinks. I drink water only, literally. I had looked up bladder friendly foods and have been trying to stick to it for the most part. My symptoms really come and go. I'll notice them, then an hour later I feel 100% normal. That is why I'm thinking it could be anxiety? I have been anxiety ridden ever since this whole thing started. Some days are better than others but everyday it's on my mind pretty much 24/7. :(

02-01-14, 17:01
You're going through the HA challenge right now--living with uncertainty.
I would imagine it could be anxiety-related too, since anxiety can affect most things; it's also not simply an either/or.

Have you tried over-the-counter phenazopyridine? It's available at drug stores in my area under various names--I think the one I got is called Pyridium. It's the stuff that turns your output very orange! But it can be helpful with symptoms, and it's often prescribed alongside antibiotics for UTIs.

Additionally, are you getting treatment for your anxiety? That'll help you get through this, too.

02-01-14, 17:04
Leslie have you noticed it connected to your hormones or what you're wearing at all?

I think I mentioned this in your last post, I get this feeling around ovulation and just before my period. I also get it if I'm wearing tights, jeans or trousers that are too tight, or if I'm spending far too long sitting down and not moving around. It can also have to do with weight.

There's so much more it can be apart from IC, it's best to look at your whole lifestyle first before jumping to conclusions. Of course it may be anxiety related, urinary frequency is a common problem amongst anxiety sufferers.

02-01-14, 17:49
Althea: No, I've never even spoke to a Dr. about my anxiety. my anxiety only seems to pop up when I feel threatened by something. I move from symptoms to symptoms or illness to illness but I've never focused on one quite this long before. I usually can brush it aside and move on with my life but this time I'm just dwelling on it so much. Before having kids I don't recall having health anxiety, at all. After my 2nd son was born late 2008 I developed a vomiting phobia, I was terrified of virus's or food poisoning. This ruled my life for quite some time. I still lived my life but I found myself washing my hands often, cleaning a lot and worried about my kids getting sick. During this time I went through a period of a couple weeks where I was worried about a heart attack and colon cancer. One day it just sorta passed and I haven't worried much about it since. I just recently put my vomiting phobia aside when my family all came down with a virus back in September. I realized it wasn't the end of the world and we all made it through. Even though I'm still nervous about it I don't thinking about 24/7 anymore, which is nice! I was doing VERY well with my anxiety when this all came up in the beginning of December. I noticed when I'm at home and feeling lonely or have nothing to look forward to the symptoms are worse. Like yesterday, New Years Day, we had a party the night before, it was fun and I was surrounded by family and felt great. Then yesterday, woke up to a gloomy day (rainy and cloudy) and we just sat around the house all day, I found myself dwelling on my symptoms and my anxiety was up for sure.

HoneyLove: I don't know if it's connected to hormones or not as this is the first month I've had this. My last period was December 1st and this all started about a week later. I haven't gotten another period yet. I'm expecting it this weekend/early next week. I've been trying to wear loose clothing since this all started incase that was it. I switched my laundry soap to sensitive skin just in case.

02-01-14, 18:07
Sounds like you might find it beneficial to get some help for the anxiety, then. It's not like it has to be constant before you're entitled to getting it under control, and it's often easier to treat an anxiety that hasn't become constant. There are online CBT resources posted in NMP that many people have found beneficial, and that's an easy way to try without having to make appointments or even leave the house.

02-01-14, 18:08
Can you direct me the right path to where that is at on NMP Althea? Thank you!!

02-01-14, 20:01
Ones I've seen mentioned here are:




(Might need to be in the UK for the last one, since it's NHS funded, but still worth looking into)

If I've missed some, hopefully somebody will post them.

02-01-14, 21:47
Thank you! :)

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

Can anyone else related to my situation? :flowers:

02-01-14, 22:03
Leslie, I know how you feel! I have had frequent urination for years but it has only gotten worse in the last year. Sometimes I'm going up to 30 times a day and can't go out anywhere because I need to go every 5 minutes. It doesn't happen to me everyday but some days it is terrible and really worrying me.. I just wish I knew what it was! Everyone is saying it is normal but I think something's wrong! I am being tested for diabetes and will be having a urine test soon I think so I just hope I can finally find the root cause for this annoying issue. I've heard it's an anxiety thing but I'm not sure anymore. :(

02-01-14, 22:06
Leslie, I know how you feel! I have had frequent urination for years but it has only gotten worse in the last year. Sometimes I'm going up to 30 times a day and can't go out anywhere because I need to go every 5 minutes. It doesn't happen to me everyday but some days it is terrible and really worrying me.. I just wish I knew what it was! Everyone is saying it is normal but I think something's wrong! I am being tested for diabetes and will be having a urine test soon I think so I just hope I can finally find the root cause for this annoying issue. I've heard it's an anxiety thing but I'm not sure anymore. :(

I'm so sorry you are dealing with frequent urination. It's a very uncomfortable symptom! Do you have days where you feel normal or is it mostly an every day thing?

02-01-14, 22:28
Hi Leslie. :) Yeah, I have days where it's normal and only go like 5 times a day but it seems like it happens every other day now. :( So tired of it.

02-01-14, 22:34
That's a lot of pee pee!! Frequent urination and bowel evacuation, besides the obvious, is due to anxiety. When you get anxious or panic, your body reacts much the same as it did with our ancestors. When danger is sensed, the urge to evacuate is strong so you can get away from danger faster. So naturally, anxiety is a reaction to what you sense as danger (unreasonably so) thus the frequent urge to pee.

Take care of the anxiety and you take care of the frequent urination ;)

Positive thoughts

03-01-14, 00:32
That's a lot of pee pee!! Frequent urination and bowel evacuation, besides the obvious, is due to anxiety. When you get anxious or panic, your body reacts much the same as it did with our ancestors. When danger is sensed, the urge to evacuate is strong so you can get away from danger faster. So naturally, anxiety is a reaction to what you sense as danger (unreasonably so) thus the frequent urge to pee.

Take care of the anxiety and you take care of the frequent urination ;)

Positive thoughts

I read about this recently. Would it come and go though?

03-01-14, 03:28

I am the author of the free CBT course recommended on nomorepanic - CBT4PANIC

I just read your post and wanted to say that I also had that symptom for a very long time years ago

I suffered from panic disorder many years before that from which I fully recovered but I accept that my body is still more 'sensitised' to anxiety than most other people

Anyway - I had an incredible urge to urinate every 5 minutes of every day for many months and it worried me deeply too

Eventually I realised it was nothing more sinister than 'Irritable Bladder' - similar to irritable bowel but more to do with evacuating the bladder rather than the bowel

It is extremely common and if you have been cleared of any other medical condition you can rest assured that it it not harmful - only from the point of view that it causes a lot of anxiety and distress.

Anyway - I usually don't recommend people do any google searches for health problems but in this case it may put your mind at ease - do a search for 'irritable bladder' or 'overactive bladder'.

It is definitely related to stress/anxiety but like any anxiety problem the more you try to relax sometimes the more stressed you feel when you find you can't - it's a paradox

so 'letting go' towards the problem is a good first step. Then read about the problem. Mindfulness practice is also very helpful - you will find a very readable mindfulness booklet with my programme CBT4PANIC

and finally - this may seem strange - but I observed that at the time this was happening with me I was experiencing those feelings of fatigue where every now and then you feel like you need to lie down

so that's what I did - once or twice during the day I slept for 30 to 40 minutes - properly - not just lying on the sofa in my clothes - I mean I got undressed and got into bed with the curtains closed and had a proper 40 minute sleep/nap

I then read research from Oxford which suggested that our body DOES benefit from a 40 minute nap (siesta) during the day - but not to sleep longer than that or else we disrupt our night time sleep

I realise not everyone can do this - I have always worked from home - but when I started doing this I noticed a VAST improvement in the symptoms with a few days.

Give it a try and let me know if it helps and please check out the mindfulness book. Go to the link in my signature.

03-01-14, 04:05
robinhall: Thank you SO much for your reply and reassurance! I'm definitely going to check out the link!! :hugs:

03-01-14, 14:10
I was feeling pretty good this morning, phyiscal wise and all. I just went to the bathroom, came out and feel the urge to go again. I am really really really over this and want it to go away! :weep:

03-01-14, 19:28
Did I just have a panic attack?

I'm sitting here on the couch watching my kids play a video game and surfing the net when all of sudden out the the blue I get a few seconds of heart palpitations. This has happened to me in the past but it was due to a medication I taking which I have since stopped and that was about 3 years ago. It was just the palpitations, no breathing heavy or anything like that. I actually felt kinda relaxed for once right before it happened. I've never suffered from a panic attack before so I don't know what it feels like. Thanks!!!

03-01-14, 19:38
Did I just have a panic attack?

I'm sitting here on the couch watching my kids play a video game and surfing the net when all of sudden out the the blue I get a few seconds of heart palpitations. This has happened to me in the past but it was due to a medication I taking which I have since stopped and that was about 3 years ago. It was just the palpitations, no breathing heavy or anything like that. I actually felt kinda relaxed for once right before it happened. I've never suffered from a panic attack before so I don't know what it feels like. Thanks!!!

Nah... just some heart palps is all. Even those that don't suffer from anxiety get them **raises hand**. I've had a couple of panic attacks in my life and it's not just a few heart palps ;)

Positive thoughts

03-01-14, 20:44
Thank you for the quick response. It's been a long time since I've had palpitations and I just think it's strange it happened during a time of anxiety for me.

03-01-14, 22:10
Hi Leslie. Everything that you're going through sounds like anxiety to me. All of these are fairly common symptoms, although they are uncomfortable. Recognizing that they can't hurt me is generally what makes them go away. I find that distracting myself with something is usually really helpful.
I use the free CBT course that is being talked about in this post and it has helped me quite a bit. Give it a go and the longer you practice it, I think you'll be pleasantly du surprised.

04-01-14, 16:26
Thank you for your response Tanner. I have checked out the CBT and plan to start it next week.

05-01-14, 07:34
I can SO sympathize with you, as I am going through the same thing right now. I don't have days where I am 100% though. I have days where I feel a little better, but the issue is still there. I, like you, went and had a urine culture and everything came back fine, so I am a little worried. I am so scared I have diabetes or cancer. I haven't heard much about IC and I'm not going to Google it....LOL. I think I am worried enough.
I have the hardest time getting an appt with my doc. It is the military health care, so they make you go through a process just to be seen for one thing.
Honestly, I am a little scared to go to the doctor from fear of what they might say it is.
I hope you start feeling better.....just know, your not alone :bighug1:

15-01-14, 21:35
I can SO sympathize with you, as I am going through the same thing right now. I don't have days where I am 100% though. I have days where I feel a little better, but the issue is still there. I, like you, went and had a urine culture and everything came back fine, so I am a little worried. I am so scared I have diabetes or cancer. I haven't heard much about IC and I'm not going to Google it....LOL. I think I am worried enough.
I have the hardest time getting an appt with my doc. It is the military health care, so they make you go through a process just to be seen for one thing.
Honestly, I am a little scared to go to the doctor from fear of what they might say it is.
I hope you start feeling better.....just know, your not alone :bighug1:

Hi there mistigale! I'm sorry I just now read your response. I'm SO sorry your are dealing with the issue of frequent urination. I'm still having good days and days where I'm having some symptoms. It's uncomfortable. Last week I felt great, hardly any problems at all, through the weekend felt good too. Then Monday came and yesterday and some today I'm feeling some urination frequency. When it shows up I just get so scared and start worrying again. I then find myself googling as well. I saw my OB/GYN for an ultrasound on my ovaries and uterus and that came back normal so at least I can rule that out. Anyway, just wanted to respond and see how you have been doing? :hugs:

15-01-14, 22:55
I had these exact symptoms really bad for about 18 months and they come back now and again. I was diagnosed with irritable bladder and put on medicine, but to be honest the medicine made it worse. After 18 months it spontaneously disappeared but comes back occasionally. I'm unclear as to whether it is caused by anxiety, but I feel like it might be. I have two friends with anxiety that have suffered the exact symptoms before. I have not met anyone without anxiety with those symptoms.

Irritable bladder is supposed to present with urgency, but apart from right at the start (when I did actually have a UTI) I didn't have urgency. I just had a pressure feeling like I CONSTANTLY needed to go to the toilet, a spasming feeling towards the outside of my urethra (which also felt irritated) and sensitivity across my lower abdomen, a little like pins and needles.

Like I say, I haven't totally worked out what it is but just from anecdotal evidence (myself and people I know) it seems to have some connection to anxiety.

If mine continues (it comes back now and then) I'm going to see a doctor because I've been able to pinpoint exactly where the feelings are coming from for me (right between vagina and urethra about 1 centimetre in - i.e. I can actually feel it with my fingers). But as I've had gynae appointments during this time and noone has mentioned anything wrong I imagine they will not find anything and it will turn out to be related to anxiety.

You're not alone anyway, and I know just how horrible this can be! Weird to try to explain it to other people how stressful it can be to need the toilet ALL THE TIME! If it continues you might want to see a urologist - that's where I was referred. Don't worry about IC, though. IC presents with pain, what you're describing is the same thing I had.

16-01-14, 03:00
I had these exact symptoms really bad for about 18 months and they come back now and again. I was diagnosed with irritable bladder and put on medicine, but to be honest the medicine made it worse. After 18 months it spontaneously disappeared but comes back occasionally. I'm unclear as to whether it is caused by anxiety, but I feel like it might be. I have two friends with anxiety that have suffered the exact symptoms before. I have not met anyone without anxiety with those symptoms.

Irritable bladder is supposed to present with urgency, but apart from right at the start (when I did actually have a UTI) I didn't have urgency. I just had a pressure feeling like I CONSTANTLY needed to go to the toilet, a spasming feeling towards the outside of my urethra (which also felt irritated) and sensitivity across my lower abdomen, a little like pins and needles.

Like I say, I haven't totally worked out what it is but just from anecdotal evidence (myself and people I know) it seems to have some connection to anxiety.

If mine continues (it comes back now and then) I'm going to see a doctor because I've been able to pinpoint exactly where the feelings are coming from for me (right between vagina and urethra about 1 centimetre in - i.e. I can actually feel it with my fingers). But as I've had gynae appointments during this time and noone has mentioned anything wrong I imagine they will not find anything and it will turn out to be related to anxiety.

You're not alone anyway, and I know just how horrible this can be! Weird to try to explain it to other people how stressful it can be to need the toilet ALL THE TIME! If it continues you might want to see a urologist - that's where I was referred. Don't worry about IC, though. IC presents with pain, what you're describing is the same thing I had.

Hi there! I'm so sorry your dealing with the same symptoms, it's no fun! Some days I'm convinced it's anxiety and it'll go away when my anxiety does but other days I just don't know. I've heard of irritable bladder but didn't realize it was an actual diagnosis. Are you still currently taking the medication? When my symptoms arise I feel like I go to the restroom and then come out feeling as if there is still a little bit of urine left in my bladder and I have the sensation to go again, it's not super intense but noticeable. Usually the feeling will fade after about 15 minutes or so. If I drink a couple glasses of water, I'm in and out of the bathroom until the water is out of my system.

Anyway, glad to hear I'm not alone but sorry your dealing with this as well. I pray it's just anxiety and it will fade. Do you get anxiety regularly? I have days where I don't feel too anxious and then have days where I can't get my mind off of it. My anxiety is honestly centered having IC. It terrifies me! I've read way too many horrible stories. It seems to destroy your quality of life. Even though its' not life threatening such as cancer or some other terrible illness it scares me just the same. :weep:

What tests did you have done to find out you have irritable bladder?

16-01-14, 09:34
Hi there! I'm so sorry your dealing with the same symptoms, it's no fun! Some days I'm convinced it's anxiety and it'll go away when my anxiety does but other days I just don't know. I've heard of irritable bladder but didn't realize it was an actual diagnosis. Are you still currently taking the medication? When my symptoms arise I feel like I go to the restroom and then come out feeling as if there is still a little bit of urine left in my bladder and I have the sensation to go again, it's not super intense but noticeable. Usually the feeling will fade after about 15 minutes or so. If I drink a couple glasses of water, I'm in and out of the bathroom until the water is out of my system.

Anyway, glad to hear I'm not alone but sorry your dealing with this as well. I pray it's just anxiety and it will fade. Do you get anxiety regularly? I have days where I don't feel too anxious and then have days where I can't get my mind off of it. My anxiety is honestly centered having IC. It terrifies me! I've read way too many horrible stories. It seems to destroy your quality of life. Even though its' not life threatening such as cancer or some other terrible illness it scares me just the same. :weep:

What tests did you have done to find out you have irritable bladder?

I don't take the medication anymore as it caused too many side effects. I found after I stopped taking the medication that the irritable bladder got a lot better anyway. The diagnosis is actually Overactive Bladder - that's the medical term, I think - although my symptoms never quite fit. As a say, you're supposed to feel urgency and I never did.

I used to have constant/chronic anxiety over the course of around 8 or 9 years. It affected me daily. I'd been anxious for about 6 years before the symptoms started. I'm now recovered from anxiety but still get the problems now and again - although this seems to be when under stress so it could still be linked.

I really don't think you should worry about IC. I've read stories from people with IC and it's a totally different thing. What you've got sounds exactly like what I had.

The tests were just ultrasounds (which it sounds like you've already had) to check womb, ovaries and bladder. When nothing abnormal was identified they just said it's probably overactive bladder and treated me for that. I'd had a bad UTI just before it started so they said it could be that the UTI had damaged the nerve endings.

Depending on your age, some urologists like to get a camera in your bladder, apparently, but I didn't have one because the likelihood of anything more serious that overactive bladder was too slim (I was 23 when I first diagnosed). Without pain in the bladder, I don't think they'd put a camera inside you, either.

I understand why you're so upset. It was too uncomfortable for me to have sex when I had it as anything "inside" just made the desire to go to the toilet even stronger and then all I could feel was that - too distracting and uncomfortable. After it had gone on for a while and the doctors didn't seem to be taking the sexual problems seriously, I began to try and accept that I would never have sex again, and that I wouldn't be able to do the things I once enjoyed again (stuff I hadn't been able to do like dancing and exercise because I needed to go to the toilet every 15 minutes). But it DID go away and although I get it milder now and again and I will see a doctor if it continues, it no longer rules my life.

Basically, don't do what I did! You don't have to accept that your life has changed forever (which is what I thought I had to do), because it can go away!

Check that you're not constipated by the way. If you have any constipation, sort that out. Constipation can cause these very symptoms and definitely made me worse.

After that, attack the anxiety - see what you can do to relax. And get yourself to a urologist. If they do tell you you have OAB they will tell you it is a 'forever' diagnosis, but I don't believe them anymore because I'm basically cured. When I got better my urologist did admit that a number of people's symptoms 'spontaneously resolve'.

16-01-14, 14:21
harasgenster: Thank you for your response and reassurance, it helps. :) I'm trying not to worry and just relax but, as I'm sure you know, it's difficult at times.