View Full Version : Hello back for a catch up

02-01-14, 15:27
Hello everyone
Not been on here for a very long time and i'm not back due to being ill far from it i am well and have been now for over 2 years but at one point i found No More Panic was all that kept me going and the people i chatted with helped make each day more bearable and they all new what i was going through.
The constant anxiety the sleepless nights the thought i was going mad everyone at one point had been through it or was trying to deal with at the same time as me,
Anxiety is the worst feeling in the world well it was for me,the constant feeling of doom wakening every morning thinking i wish i didn't waken or i wasn't here was really bad for me but thankfully i have managed to get myself not cured but i'd say into some form of remission and under control.
I really hope that others who were on this site along with me are doing well and have found some light within the so called tunnel


02-01-14, 16:41
Hi Hamish,
I am a relative newbie dealing with Panic Disorder w/agoraphobia that came on "out of the blue." I am currently in therapy (CBT mainly), and on my 7th week of Sertraline (2 weeks @50, 1 week @75, 3 1/2 weeks @100).

May I ask what you have done (or not done) that has brought you to the peace you have now?

02-01-14, 16:53
Jim thats good to hear so pleased for you, im feeling better each day I keep busy and positive :D