View Full Version : does anyone else get this?????

14-11-06, 14:15
hi everyone,
i was hoping that someone could help reassure me!!!
does anyone else get what seems to be like an adrenaline rush as they are just falling asleep,that wakes you fully again???
been doing well the last few days then yesterday it was back!!!!i was really anxious all day,and then last nite when i really wanted to get some sleep this happened!!!!
finally went to sleep about 2 and had to be up at 7.
hope someone can shed some light on what this could be!!!!
rachel x

14-11-06, 14:22
Yes, I get this, like someone's jump-started me! And although I've only been nodding off for minutes, I feel like I've gone into a deep sleep then been woken suddenly by it. I guess it's our subconscious minds stirring up more anxiety for us.

14-11-06, 14:25
thanks caroline i feel like my anxiety is spiralling out of control today!!!!
its nice to know i,m not the only one!!
take care
rachel x

14-11-06, 14:29
hi Ceecee m8
dont worry thats happened to me afew times, its the fight or flight syndrome kicking in, subconciosly just as your dozing off you might worry about something and then all hell breaks through you get the adrenaline rush and all the other crap that goes with it lol[:o)] when i go to bed i do a few deep breaths and on exhaling i say the word calm to myself over and over again that helps me from time to time,its easy for me to say but dont beat yourself up over it, its another trick anxiety likes to play on us
take care

14-11-06, 14:49

This happens to me alot.

I will go to bed most nights feeling tired, then I will have the anxiety like you said, then I always end up back downstaires on the sofa to calm down.


14-11-06, 15:40
I get it and I jump in my sleep too (when I manage to get some sleep that is)..

Love & light to you x

14-11-06, 16:03
thanks red, mick and fly 2 freedom for replying!!!
don,t know how i,d cope without all the great people here!!!
take care everyone
rach x

14-11-06, 16:06
can someon please advise me if st johns wort works

piglits pal
14-11-06, 16:34
I get it too. Just dropping off then WOOSSHHHH bolt upright again.:D

14-11-06, 16:50
Hi Rachel,I get a similar sort of thing.I think we go to bet anxious,and cant switch off in our minds.;)

Ellen XX

14-11-06, 18:13
its the same every night, 20 mins kip then bam, wide awake!


14-11-06, 19:23
thankyou for your reassurance i,m sooo anxious about going to bed tonight i,m afraid its going to happen again!!!so i,ve just been to a chemist and got some nytols so i hope they work!!!
thanks again
take care
rach x

14-11-06, 19:48
I've had this for a number of years. It was paticularly bad in 2004 when it happened every blimmin'night. Still get it regularly, but not worried about it.

14-11-06, 21:28
I get this too once in a while. I find that I get it a lot more when I get too tired. I've decided that three times is the max. First time I stay in bed and try to go back to sleep. Second time same thing. If it happens a third time, I get up and occupy myself until I feel ready to go back to bed.
The funny thing is, it never happens more than once or twice, I never get to the third time anymore. :)

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

15-11-06, 09:07
thanks hexia
take care
rach x

15-11-06, 18:31

Waking with a sudden start and a physical jump is called a "Hypnic Jerk".

See here :


Apparantely 70% of people get them and they are quite harmless !


15-11-06, 20:30
I read somewhere that these jerks are a remnant from the time when we lived in trees - your brain thinks you are about to fall out of the tree so it quickly stimulates you to wake up so you can grab onto a branch.

16-11-06, 18:25
thankyou! that about us falling of a branch is a real interesting one!!!!!!
thanks again
take care
rach x

25-11-06, 23:46
This used to really bother me. It feels like a jolt or electric shock in ur gutt or chest right when ur about to dose off. thats how mine felt anyway. One time i was so nervous over it they kept happening ALL NIGHT. I couldnt sleep not even an hour. Seems the less ive worried about it the less they happen but still happen now and then. I used to be concerned it was my heart

26-11-06, 16:35
hi paladin
yeh i know what you mean about it happening all night i get nights that that too!!!!
thanks for your reply
take care
rach x

26-11-06, 19:50
I think maybe its our nerves firing off at rest.