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View Full Version : Happy New Year! Feel like I'm going to choke, tiredness & had a dizzy turn earlier

Female healthanxiety
02-01-14, 20:37
I have not been on this Forum for about 2 months; and while it was a shame not speaking to you all, I doing it a slight relief that my Health anxiety was not that bad, however have been very busy as well that's probably why!

Hope your all well.

For the past fee days have had really bad (don't know if it's heartburn or indigestion) no burping, have a feeling like I have a bit of plastic stuck in my throat, it was my first day back at work today and took some Gaviscon and am worried that this has not got rid of it.

At about 5pm today I walked to the kitchen while at work and it was like my body never stopped and I felt dizzy like I was still moving, this lasted about 10 seconds and I really felt like I was going to faint, for the next 20 minutes the feeling did not really go and left me with a continued light head feeling, I drive home which took 30 minutes and was feeling rather shaky as I thought it would happen whole I was driving. Me thinking I'm going to have a Heath attack or have a tumour as I have a light heady headache. My last blood test was in August and all readings were fine.

Unfortunately I could not sleep last night, probably due to my body clock due to me being off since Christmas, and only had 4 hours sleep last night.

Am so disappointed, what a great start to the new year.

I am due to join a gym at the end of January and could only think today if I feel like this then I am seriously reconsidering it :-(

Thank you so much for reading.

All replies would be so welcome.....

K xxxxxxxxx

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------


02-01-14, 21:30
Sounds to me like your anxiety is playing tricks on you. :hugs: I hope you feel better!

02-01-14, 22:13
Hi there, don't let a bad day make you think it's going to continue. Being off for a break changes how you feel and returning is always tiring and a bit stressful. I think you have just noticed a symptom that has made you feel uneasy and scared you, then it goes from there. I also have had some dizzy spells which have worried me again, but I think it is just this strange time of year that makes us think and worry. I hope you feel better now, the trouble is not sleeping then adds to the problem and makes it harder to be rational x

Female healthanxiety
04-01-14, 14:16
Thought I would bump my post!

Still feeling the same, I had 10 hours sleep and you know when u wake up and you pray that the feeling has gone; I got up and was like great, I still feel the same!

My partner said to me last night; why do you look like that? I said how? He said your bags are so heavy and dark which of course freaked me out.

I even resorted to buying Floradix from Tesco yesterday!!!!

Thank you for your replies so far xxxx

Am meant to be meeting a friend for lunch today, but am fearing the worst, feeling like this; the drive there, her telling me I look like death!

Even having a bath was an effort.

---------- Post added at 14:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

Hi there, don't let a bad day make you think it's going to continue. Being off for a break changes how you feel and returning is always tiring and a bit stressful. I think you have just noticed a symptom that has made you feel uneasy and scared you, then it goes from there. I also have had some dizzy spells which have worried me again, but I think it is just this strange time of year that makes us think and worry. I hope you feel better now, the trouble is not sleeping then adds to the problem and makes it harder to be rational x

Still feel the same!!! Sitting here and my eyes and head feel so weird!

05-01-14, 22:59
I have the same, weird head feelings and my eyes ache and I too look visibly different when I have this. I think it is just the stress and anxiety showing in our faces. Even though you slept it doesn't mean you slept well, I think our minds are over active in the night so sleep isn't the same. Especially if you wake up questioning if you feel ok now. It takes me about 4 days to recover from a bad nights, but I thought that was because I have fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue. xx

Female healthanxiety
06-01-14, 14:23
Thanks for your reply rockydog.

Well it's Monday and I'm off work today, feel like a complete failure :-(

Woke up this morning and still feel like my head is tight, also my shoulders and my eyes feel drunk, so all in all feel dizzy and any movement is making me feel dizzy.

Probably going to lose my job as I was already in a warning last year.


---------- Post added at 14:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

Just had a bath and feel drunk!!!!!!

07-01-14, 08:47
Read all my posts u could be me get up go to work dont give in work with it your not ill its how you think you are anxiety does this but while you are at work you will feel normal more than anxious if you stay home you will focus on how you think you feel trust me I would be the same xx

Female healthanxiety
07-01-14, 09:03
Julie, will read your posts x thanks for caring and sharing x