View Full Version : IBS - what to eat?

02-01-14, 19:55
Hi all
Last night I had very bad stomach pains and diarrhea and after that pains went away. I have tried to eat quite plain things today as my stomach feels a bit wobbly. Its hurting a little at the mo but im not sure if thats because im hungry. If so what should I eat? Im not sure if it was IBS but I have been burping a lot after eating recently and my stomach is incredibly gurgly. The stomachpains/diarrhea thing has happened only once before many months ago so I am not sure what suddenly caused it yesterday as I have been a lot less anxious. I did eat quite a lot of rich food after not eating much at all for a while. Thanks :)

04-01-14, 21:48
sounds like the rich food tripped you up or you may have a slight tummy bug. Keep up with the plain foods til you're tummy has calmed down. Rice, white bread/toast, crackers, pasta, white meat/fish, potatoes (sweet potatoes are a nice change)
I would recommend eating some thing cos like you say you might be sore cos you need food.
Try drinking some ginger tea too, bout a cm cubed of root ginger chopped up in some boiling water. This is really good for digestive stuff
feel better soon

05-01-14, 00:37
for IBS, you will find that eliminating wheat/gluten/grains and possibly even dairy and sugar will nearly cure you of your IBS.

I speak from experience and also spent a great deal of time researching. I can recommend some books if you're interested in learning more.