View Full Version : Runny nose only one side, is this sinusitis or a brain leak? PANIC

Nighttime pacer
02-01-14, 23:48
Hi all
A new worry has hit me.
I got a sore throat followed by some sneezing and feeling a bit coldy.
My nose has been fairly dry recently except for the last 3 or 4 days.
My left nostril runs really watery but nothing from my right.
Above my left eye feels a little tender and my left ear feels a bit blocked.
I googled it and read that if only one nostril is affected it might be a bran fluid leak.
I'm seeing an ENT man on Tuesday and might pop and see my GP before then.
I'm hoping it's just a weird sinusy coldy thing as I've been coughing too but I'm pretty worried.
Why do I google? Why do any of us ever google?
Thanks for reading
Nighttime Pacer

03-01-14, 00:22
Hey NPacer,

You have a cold/bug is all. The only thing "brain leaky" going on is you believing Dr. Google ;)

Feel better! Positive thoughts

03-01-14, 00:56
Definitely do not think it's an sort of brain leak. Sometimes only one of your sinuses can be infected. I've had that before. Eat some soup, take some meds, and get some rest. :)

I'm with you on the googling, so hard not to do it. And I hate how we know deep down that it makes it worse. Yet we always continue doing it! Lol

03-01-14, 02:37
Very common, I assure you. This happens to me just about everytime I have a cold. I hope you feel better soon!!

03-01-14, 06:41
It sounds like a cold. I have one sided nasal congestion at the moment too. It may well love across to the other side in a few days. I hope you feel better soon.