View Full Version : U come here often??

14-11-06, 17:43
Hello all
I've just joined the site and am absolutely amazed at a) the support you all give each other, and b) that i've found you.. I already feel so 'normal'!! I am a 31 year old woman, living in London (but still a northerner at heart!) with a wonderful husband, a rather smelly cat and a persistant dose of PTSD following childhood abuse and a rape 5 years ago.
I have been touched by your stories, especially Lynann. (i would have posted a personal message but i'm not sure how regularly you visit) Thank you so much for showing me that i am not as stark raving bonkers as i thought i was, and that i am certainly not alone in my struggle through life.
Sincerely hope i can be useful and make some friends that i don't have to pretend with!
Have been in the chat room and posted with non PTSD members,which has been great but i would really like to chat/share stuff with someone with the same condition.
big hugs
littleK xx

14-11-06, 17:57
what a lovely post! im sure youll be most helpful here and a big warm welcome. i dont suffer ptsd, but i thought i would reply anyway.

Take care
Becci x

14-11-06, 18:19
Hi LittleK

Great to see you posting, I've been looking for you in here after our chat.

I'm sure you will find loads of support, help and advice from folks who can really relate to where you are at.

As before if their are any other issues like school etc I know that there are loads of educationaists in here. They will also be able to help you with your professional predicament.

Cheers LittleK

Take care


Laissez les bon temp roulez

14-11-06, 18:20
hi littlek,
you've come to the right place!


14-11-06, 23:01
Hi LittleK,

I am so sorry that you have been through the experiences that you have I don't visit as often as I should have no time at the moment. However feel free to PM or post to me, whichever you feel more comfortable with. I don't know how much help I will be but at least I can promise to understand.
I will check for them although at the moment it can be a few days, so please don't take it personally if it is.

I am hoping things will settle down and I wil have more time soon. If you PM me I will give you my e-mail address as I check that more regularly. If I am not feeling too strong the amount of active topics can be too daunting for for me at times.

sending hugs to you


17-11-06, 13:03
hello honey,my name is ade and i have ptsd from childhood sexual abuse.i am 41 married with 2 beautiful children.i suffer massive bouts of terror and violent sickness which accompanies the memories.i just wanted to say take care and if you want someone to chat to about ptsd i have experienced a lot! sending you my love and wishing you calm and peace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx