View Full Version : Having an op today to remove fibroids....

03-01-14, 09:15
A hysterocopy - anyone had one of those? It's being done under general anathestic. The fibroids are causing mid cycle bleeding, the symptom that triggered the HA I now have so will be glad to be rid of them. Nervous though, in case they find anything else. They will send what they remove off for analysis (routine I believe) and although I've been told that fibroids are rarely cancerous I won't rest until I know for sure......

03-01-14, 09:26
Good luck xxxx

03-01-14, 13:40
I will keep you in my prayers today. I hope your operation goes well and they get all the fibroids and they are nothing to be worried about. :hugs: Keep us posted!

03-01-14, 14:05
My sister had this operation. Everything went well :)