View Full Version : Anxiety and feeling paralysed to do things

03-01-14, 11:32
Hi, I know I've posted a fair bit & I'm guessing people get a bit fed up but I'm so confused by what's going on in my head that it helps.

I have an amazing husband & children and I let anxiety control everything I do. There's the little thing, like making choices that spring hundreds of little 'what if' questions. Then there's the things that impact on the ones I love. For example if one of the children are doing an outdoor activity at school, I immediately think of all the things that could go wrong & then imagine them seriously injured or worse, these images stay with me until I know they're safe. All I can concentrate on is them & everything else suffers.

I can't open post or look at the bank online, I have no reason to worry but I just can't do it.

I can't go in escalators, lifts, planes. The children like going to theme parks I spend the day a nervous wreck. I get hit by waves of oanic which make me feel hot & need to go to the bathroom, I can't concentrate on anything else my mind just races with no real thoughts, just panic.

Right now, due to stress at work becoming too much, my anxiety has left me feeling overwhelmed by simple house tasks like cooking, I wonder if this is all anxiety or a bit of depression as well. Every little thing is too much, even spending time with the children.

It's been a bit better since taking pregabalin before this I got to the point where I was sat on the kitchen floor begging my husband to take me to hospital as I just wanted to have some time where I didn't need to think about much, where someone else could take over for me.

Sorry for the long post.

03-01-14, 13:05
Oh, Relda, I'm so sorry. I am in this battle too, and know how hard it can be.

Do you have a full understanding of what anxiety is? How the nervous system works? If not, may I suggest you read:

1.) Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weeks
2.) http://nothingworks.weebly.com

These two things have helped me immensely, and I think they will you too. I also have begged my husband to check me in somewhere in the past couple of months, but between medications, therapy, some good knowledge on what is really going on with me, and this board of support......I am doing better. Not nearly where I want to be--- but heading in that direction.

Hang in there. Can you speak to your GP further, and let him/her know how severe your anxiety still is? Can you get into CBT to help you retrain your thoughts?

03-01-14, 13:15
Thank you so much for replying :)

I will look at the links, I don't really think I have much of an idea what is going on.

I'm seeing my GP on Tuesday so will have more of a chat then. I'm useless at telling people what's going on, I want to say but the words get choked by loads of 'what if' questions that spring into my head.

I just feel a complete mess & am hoping that posting here will help me sort things out.

03-01-14, 14:12
I can really identify with you.

I constantly worry over things everyone else seems to be fine with. The "what if's" are always playing in my mind. If my husband is late from work, I imagine a car accident,not an unavoidable delay etc.

You mentioned seeing your doctor. As you write down so accurately what is going on, why not write it down for him to read? My doctor allows me to write things down,then we discuss afterwards. I find this helps me, as written words come so much easier than me trying to explain things vocally.

Loreen x

03-01-14, 14:16
I've been thinking about writing things down for my GP, but as silly as it sounds I need to pluck up courage to do this, I worry she'll think I'm silly.

I also jump to the same conclusion if my husband is late home. It's an awful feeling isn't it? I find I can't concentrate on anything else until he's home.

03-01-14, 14:46
She wont think you are silly.

My doctor said it gives him a very good insight into how I am feeling, and to have it all organised instead of jumbled up is very helpful !! I also feel like I have made full use of my appointment, instead of feeling like I have messed up and forgotten to mention things.

Give it a try. You write things down so intelligently I am sure it will help you and your doctor.

Loreen x

03-01-14, 15:52
Thank you Loreen, I'll give a ho on Tuesday xxx