View Full Version : Really nauseous after eating

03-01-14, 12:14
Another post on my on going stomach problem. I've been to the doctor again this morning and he has changed me to nexium. I can't take one until tomorrow as I had omeprazole this morning. I've just had some toast and a yoghurt and I feel so sick. I forgot to tell him about the nausea, but I did tell him before. It seems to be getting worse and I'm really worried. Anyone else have this problem?

03-01-14, 12:35
When I get nausea with my acid reflux I take domperidone aswell as omeprazole. Domperidone is an anti nausea med tat helps with indegestion.

I've also read that dairy products can make acid reflux worse in some people and even cause it. It might be worth keeping a food diary. Things to avoid are: coffee, fizzy drinks, citrus fruits, garlic and raw onion, chocolate, fried foods, alchohol and tomatoes. Those are the most most common triggers of acid reflux as they all relax your LES so acid rises from your stomach. Elevating your bed at the top 5-7 inches is supposed to help, Ive got mine balanced on books! No food for at least 3 hours before you go to bed and sit upright for at least an hour after eating. I think that covers everything I was told