View Full Version : Constant blurred vision and diarrhea.

03-01-14, 13:20
Hi this is my first post on here. I'd like to start and say that my symptoms have been over 3 months (I know it's not long compared to others but I have come to understand that this might be anxiety). My time timeline of events has concluded that this is highly likely to be anxiety. It all began on 25th Oct 2013, I thought I'd had breast cancer, one was very itchy and different colour nipple to the other. Having had two friends, one who sadly passed of breast cancer @ 40 and the other close friend who's late 40 with terminal breast cancer. My fears took over, it took me 3 days to pluck up the courage to go to the doctors (in between googling the symptoms), that morning cried my eyes out because I was SO scared to go. I went and asked to have a mammagram but as I don't have breast cancer in the family nor have a lump, she looked and said I was fine. But my fears where still very much elevated.

Within that week all my symptoms arose:

Blurred vision (constant, no let up) thorough eye exam, will fine.
Diarrhea (constant to date)
Pins and needles in fingers and toes (not so much now, more numbness in hands whee I wake)
Twitches, occasionally
Dizziness (this happened twice, like I'd had too much to drink and room spinning).
Tender abdominal area (mainly at the top LHS)
Nauseas after a visit to toilet.
Very weak at the height of my anxiety.
When I relax bath/bed, it feels like an army of ants are walking throughout my arms, hands and head.
Pulsing behind eyes when shut, this it is irritating!

A visit back to the doc confirmed "gastrointeritis, viral...... It pass".

Two weeks later no different, return to docs she said the same thing.
Week later returned this time I fainted in the docs, very weak, dehydrated. And now in desperation to find out what the hell is wrong with me. 24hrs in hospital bloods came back as low white blood count consultant said viral, sent me home.
At this point I thoughts, I'm going private and pay for a mammagram. That week I paid for mammagram, more thorough bloods including thyroid were done, ultrasound of bust and abdomine. And a low colon investigation.

ALL fine apart from low white blood count, again consultant said viral. But advised if diarrhea persistents would need colonoscopy & onoloscopy.
Left it a few weeks returned to docs, still unwell. She did a diabetes test (fine) and a cortisol test (fine). She advised CBT therapy and anti depressant (haven't taken tablets).

Now I am paying for a ct scan which should be next week at some point.

I have gone from having:
Breast cancer
Brain tumor
Pancreatic cancer (friend passed just before Xmas aged 50, funeral was yesterday)
Ovarian cancer
And may more.

Now if you'd asked me 4 months ago that anxiety could cause this I would have been poopoo'd it, saying people say the word stressed to often. But I have eaten my words. It's debilitating. I am a professional singer who is confident and assured about myself, but this has knocked me sideways.

Am I going mad or is this truly an anxiety I'm going through. I just want to be back to my old self. Healthy vibrant mum.

(Ps doc thinks I'm also anxious about my son who was diagnosed with severe haemophilia a year ago, so does the haemophilia consultant)

I'm off to CBT therapy on Wed.

Peace x:whistles:

04-01-14, 23:04
Hi KLP, welcome...I am new and realise how many people suffer from this debilitating condition. I think my trigger has been serious illness in the family, then I got a kidney infection and my doc changed my anti depressants at the same time, which I hope (as I've convinced myself I have cancer) must be giving me side effects....severe anxiety, sharp muscular pain, diarrhoea, abdominal plain, extreme tiredness. My urine test is now fine, full blood count normal, ultrasound ok apart from poly cystic ovaries (convinced they've missed something else with them though), chest X-ray fine...so why is something still wrong with me? Is this anxiety causing me physical pain, if just doesn't seem possible. Not sure if a full body scan would still convince me. Thinking blood test may not pick up all cancers...mind us going haywire! A friend passed away from breast cancer in 2012, my dad had severe pancreatitis, my boyfriend's dad has a brain tumour, my boyfriend's brother has had throat cancer, someone who I worked near passed away quite suddenly from cancer. However my grandma passed away last year from old age at 99! How life is so bizarre, think it's a build up of events that has caused this. I'm scared if mentioning this to my doctor in case they don't take any future symptoms seriously..however virtually all of my doc visits have verified actual illness. Even though my tests are all ok, why is something seriously wrong with me? I also want to get back to being me and not convinced I'm going to leave this world soon, I want to live in the now and not worry constantly about the future. I had CBT last year for OCD (convinced my actions would cause harm to others, intrusive thoughts) I think I'm going to have to go back. Anxiety is awful and ruins your life. Good luck and keep posted about your CBT progress. Xx

05-01-14, 00:11
Hi jojo, and thanks for the reply. I think your right that subconsciously the rolling events in our lives unknowingly had a profound effect on us. It's not until it peeks that this happens. I like you am so desperate to get back to myself, I can see where I need to get too, but just can't reach it! I'm tired of going to the doctors (even though she's is brilliant and puts her arms around me and would say 'everything is going to be ok'). I just want some resolution to it all. Having only suffered a little while compared to others, having a 2yr old I'm very much aware that I want him to have his mummy happy and more importantly well. My vision disturbances are most debilitating and concerning. One thing that I have convinced myself is every test that comes back OK, I put it to bed and move on to the next!!!

I'll let you know how I get on with the CBT, it's a group session for three weeks then an evaluation will determined if I need individual sessions.

Chat soon :)

05-01-14, 11:23
I'm not sure you are on medication, I'm on sertraline and 3 weeks into it, today for the first time I'm feeling there's less anxiety and more calm. Even though I'm sure I have ovarian cancer, today I've managed to get up and do things, feeling positive even if I do have a serious illness which sounds bizarre? The mind is crazy! My CBT therapist mentioned group sessions, as I'd had my quota do personal ones, although the times were difficult so it would be great to hear how you get on. :-)