View Full Version : New fear out of nowhere :(

03-01-14, 14:49
So at about 3am this morning I woke up with an intense pain in my right hip that felt like someone was stabbing me or twisting my muscle. I have no idea why this thought popped into my head but a few years ago one of my friends had a pulmonary embloysm caused by DVT and now I am worried that's what could be happening to me.

So far I have resisted the urge to google but as the fear builds the need to know is starting to win.

03-01-14, 15:00
Are you still having the pain? If not then it could've just been a cramp of some sort. I know if I lay on a particular side for too long at night my hips will start to ache.

03-01-14, 15:10
Scrumking as HA sufferers we always store unfortunate health stories in to the back of our minds and when we do get normal everyday aches & pains the part of our brain that stores the unfortunate horror health stories rears its ugly head and reminds us of that particular scenario ( in your case your friends DVT) so automatically that's the only thing it could be, if you were to have pain in any area in your Lower body you would keep thinking its DVT because its happened to your friend and it obviously scared you this is the only explanation you can give to your pains because as a HA sufferer we only think of the worst case scenario. I would say you may have layed on your hip in a funny position, have you exercised ? Have you been running, jogging etc anything that could of caused a muscle spasm, you have hurt the muscle without realising it, there's been many times my legs ached and I could not find a reason why, these are all normal aches & pains we can all get but most people wouldn't worry about it but I can understand your worries and I want you to understand that it's highly unlikely to be DVT, more probable that you have injured your muscle, take a hot bath and massage your hip with olive oil or a nice smelly cream and relax, the more tense you are the more you will ache, so go relax & hope your hip feels better by tomorrow morning !

03-01-14, 15:21
Thanks for the replies does anyone know if there are tell tale signs that would either confirm or exclude DVT/PE?

03-01-14, 15:26
I believe signs of a blood clot is usually pain, redness and heat on the skin.

03-01-14, 15:26
That's not a good plan! Coz you will imagine them.... Maybe u could list your symptoms and someone could confirm....

Or just your gp surgery for advice xx

03-01-14, 16:04
My symptoms are just pain in my hip no swelling no redness nothing visually out of the ordinary

03-01-14, 17:03
My symptoms are just pain in my hip no swelling no redness nothing visually out of the ordinary

From what I've learned about blood clotting it does not sound like that. It sounds more muscular to me.

03-01-14, 19:15
I agree, does not sound like DVT