View Full Version : Pleurisy

03-01-14, 15:02
I don't really get many replies on here but that's ok reading posts gives me some relief those that do read my posts will no I've been suffering breathless feelings I woke this morning with feeling like I couldn't breath so I got out of bed came down stairs had a cup of tea and I had a horrendous pain in my bag almost took me to my knees so I rang my sister she came straight away I then called 111 they sent out an ambulance the guy was a lovely man did an EKG found some abnormalities said he thought is was a blood clot and wanted to be safe so off I ent to the hospital they did a blood test and an X-ray the doctor came bk and said no blood clot your lungs are perfect you got pleaurisy so ok then right!!
Wrong as I came home started cleaning I found my ECG and on there it says sinus tachycardia non specific t wave abnormality abnormal ECG so what's all this mean ?? Heart problem is this what is causing my to be breathless??

03-01-14, 15:05
Can you call the hospital where you were at and ask them about it for the peace of mind? That or phone up your GP and make an appointment to discuss the results. Usually when you've been in the hospital they want you to follow up with your doctor anyways. I will be praying for you!!! :hugs:

03-01-14, 21:49
Thank-you Leslie I called British heart foundation they went threw the ECG with me just worry about pleaurisy now :( x

03-01-14, 22:22
i am a pro with t wave abnormality. I have inverted t wave in my inferolateral leads. I have had multiple ecgs, ultrasound,stress test, coronary angiogram and 24hr heart monitor and 24 hr urine test - all came back normal and we can find no reason for it. My cardiologist said that it could be classed as normal in someone my age so just hoping thats the case. I know it can be scary but inverted t waves are very common especially in women.

03-01-14, 22:25
My husband had pleurisy following heart surgery when he got an infection. It was incredibly painful but he's fine now. The pleurisy was caused by an infection following his surgery, not an actual problem with his heart. It's quite common and usually caused by a virus. It usually clears up on its own. Because my husband's was caused by an infection after surgery he had to be treated with anti robotics, he had a fever and flu like symptoms. If they sent you home they're obviously happy that it will resolve on its own.

03-01-14, 23:26
I had pleurisy twice growing up....super - painful but no lasting effects. I had tons of respiratory illnesses (bacterial and viral pneumonia, strep, bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc) and pleurisy is the most painful. So it may hurt now but you will be fine!