View Full Version : Sore throat on one side

03-01-14, 15:31
Please help calm my fears. I was up all night once again. I have had a sore throat for 3-4 days just on the left side. Sometimes it radiates to my ear. The ear ache is usually fleeting, comes and go in a few minutes. I looked in my throat last night and the left side that is sore is red and noticeably bigger where my tonsils used to be. My nose gets stopped up when I am laying down and I have a tiny bit of sinus drainage. I had chest xray, cbc, protein test, liver test, and thyroid test last week, all good but they never looked in my mouth or felt around for my lymph nodes. I am worried this is throat or mouth cancer!! Yesterday the soreness got a little better until I started looking around and poking around to see if I had a mass or anything. After doing that it flared up horribly. I also had about an hour of pain in my middle ribs to the side when I inhaled in the middle of the night. I am really freaking out.

03-01-14, 16:03
Sounds like a common cold or infection to me. I've had the same thing on/off for over a month - bunged up nose, sore throat, earache, cough! It's not nice but you'll live! Cancer doesn't decide to get better for a day then come back! Take paracetamol, plenty of fluids and rest. If it's an infection you may need anti-biotics so may be worth a doctor visit in a few days if you don't feel better. Big hugs. xx

03-01-14, 19:28
Thanks Meche! I was doing better anxiety wise after your comment but not I am really freaking out. I was aching in the collarbone area and started feeling around. I have a small lump, size of a pea or smaller in the area that move around when I touch it!! :(

03-01-14, 19:48
Thanks Meche! I was doing better anxiety wise after your comment but not I am really freaking out. I was aching in the collarbone area and started feeling around. I have a small lump, size of a pea or smaller in the area that move around when I touch it!! :(

Totally nothing to be concerned about. Your body is just doing what it's supposed to be doing. All your tests were clear. You have a cold or minor bug is all. If it doesn't resolve or get better in a couple of days, call your doctor.

Positive thoughts

03-01-14, 20:42
I had exactly the same thing a couple of months back, it's just an infection! I went to the docs and he gave me penicillin it cleared within a couple of days! :)

03-01-14, 21:46
I think the worst part of having HA is that as soon as one thing improves, another thing pops up. I would love to go just one day without having aches, pains, or lumps :(