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View Full Version : Sorry, this anxiety getting out of control

03-01-14, 16:27
Hi please could anyone help I have posted a few times recently about aches and pains I have been getting in my lower right stomach and pelvis areas the pain its self is no worse and to be honest the pains are never bad its more niggling annoying feelings and cause I am thinking about it all the time it feels like its there all the time, but some days it isn't to bad its my worry that is getting out of control and I keep thinking the worse I have ibs and I have had scans, blood tests and a sigmoidoscopy 3yrs ago but just got this constant worry feeling about me having a cancer in that area, would I have other symptoms if I had something bad, I start cbt on Monday for HA, just need to no that this worry abd anxiety is keeping this pain there cause I am constantly worrying and thinking about that area and I am aware of every feeling in that area, thanks for reading toria xx

03-01-14, 17:02
I may not be the best person to help as I'm having a similar issue just different sensation. Mine is urinary. I'm CONSTANTLY thinking about it which I'm sure is not helping matters at all. Any sensation, feeling, anything I feel down there I start to worry. I totally get how you feel and it's so hard to distinguish between anxiety and a real threat. I'm really sorry you are feeling that way as I know first hand how terrible it is. I hope your therapy helps you get past this and on with your life. *hugs*

03-01-14, 17:32
Thanks leslie735 for your reply it is really appreciated and that you understand where I am coming from, I am sorry you are having some issues I hope you get sorted, I am hoping my cbt helps, thanks again toria x