View Full Version : fear of dying

03-01-14, 17:36
I suffer from anxiety in alot of different departments but one of my worst fears is dying! I'm only 16 but at night mostly, I have full on panic attacks because I don't want to die. I think scared of there not being anything anymore apart from just darkness or nothing I just feel like I'm going to miss life so much and it really worried me.

I hate when people tell me I'm stupid for worrying because its not my choice to worry, it just comes over me. Please help me asap! Anyone!

03-01-14, 18:16
Just to let you know your certainly not stupid for worrying ,have you spoken to anyone abut this or seen your gp ,it will help you ,your to young love to be feeling like this you should be enjoying life please go and speak to someone xx

03-01-14, 18:24
It could be worth looking into hobbies and activities so your mind is focused less on the subject and more on what makes you feel happy. It's very normal to have periods of heightened anxiety like this and it's about learning to ride the wave until it settles.

03-01-14, 18:30
You won't die at 16! Well not by natural causes. As long as you're fit and healthy it's not going to happen, but to put your mind at rest go and see your GP to just make sure.

As a child I don't expect you ever thought of dying, it wasn't a concept you would think of, but now you're older you are becoming aware of the future, which is all quite natural.

When I was a teenager (long time ago), and I was in bed at night I thought I'd die in my sleep. So I tried to stay awake. Needless to say nature took over and I slept. All it did was give me dark circles under my eyes!!!

I'm 52 now and still here and I've been through so much bad health. So try to stop worrying.

Have a look round the internet to see if this is a common thought at your age.

Go out and enjoy yourself. You've got a long life ahead of you. Enjoy your young years and do all you want to do. I wasn't able to do all I wanted to and I regret it now.

03-01-14, 18:55
Thank you for all the helpful comments. I was seeing a psychologist last year and I felt healed but now I its back, I'm not sure if its exams or something that making me worry about EVERYTHING! I tend not to search the internet over things like this as it usually makes me worse, hence the reason why I found this website and I'm going to stick to it! Once again thanks people, I think hobbies etc would be a great thing to look into so thankyou Rennie 1989 :)

04-01-14, 12:11
Hi Claire

I too suffered from this in my life. When I was 18 (I am now 37) I went through a six month period where my mind was totally consumed with the fear of dying. The fear of the unknown, what happens to us etc. It wasn't that I was worried that I would die tomorrow or really soon, it was just the whole concept of dieing captivated me and obsessed me for 6 whole months.

And then one day, it just drifted away, without me even really noticing. I haven't felt the same way about it since.

You're a human being, a human being who is transitioning from a child in to an adult, much as I was at that time. You are becoming more aware of adult worries and concerns. Dieing is out of your control, out of all of our control. The how and when is down to fate and none of us can control that. One day in the not too distant future you will accept that and move on naturally. Trust me...

04-01-14, 14:20
Hobbies give you something to look forward to, a way to make you feel better about yourself and increase your confidence and self esteem. My hobbies are novel writing, blog writing and knitting.

05-01-14, 01:31
There is no benefit to be afraid of the inevitable. What benefit does fear have other than increase the amount of car accidents on the road? Trying to protect this "oh so precious" life where you are constantly afraid? How is that living? It sounds like torture.

It's better to just live your life and not let it consume you. Our lives are so infinitesimally small in the grand scheme of things. We are little dots in a giant universe. And when we die, it's only temporary pain for our loves ones, until they also die. And in a few generations we will be completely forgotten unless we are a celebrity, and they will probably fade into the abyss as well. When to think, when we die the world keeps spinning as if you were never there.

Being brave does not mean the absence of fear, It means going on despite it. We have to realize fear is a normal part of the human condition, but we have to push despite it.