View Full Version : New...& need help!

03-01-14, 18:51

This is my first post here, and I'm thankful I found this site! I've had anxiety for about 20 yrs. now. IT comes and goes, sometimes for no reason and other times it's definately because of a certain situation. I've taken Ativan, Klonipin, and Xanax, - but the only one that ever helps me is xanax. (Over the years dr.s have tried to push anti-depressants on me, so I have taken Paxil, which I felt made things worse!). My main problem is not really depression, it's anxiety and panic attacks. I live in fear, because I never know when this will strike, I cannot sleep at night because I am afraid of the next day and what may happen. Because of all this fear and panic, I get other symptoms too, like shaking, derealization (which has hung on now for a few months, this happ.s to me on occassion), heart pounding, lightheaded, spaced out feeling etc.

The dr. that I'd been seeing for over a yr. now has decided that the 2 mgs. of xanax he's been giving me (per day - 120 pills a month, they are half mg. each) is to much, and took me down to only 3 a day, then 2 - but this is NOT good. I need the 2 mgs. a day! I tried to explain this to him, but to no availl, which sent me on another "dr. hunt", I've seen 3 dr./s now over the past 7 mos. and honestly, it's like pulling teeth! They are very stingy with xanax, which is ridiculous (I know many ppl. take this to get high or whatever, but this is not me, I have 2 teenage kids to take care of, and a full time job, I am NOT a pill popper!) - I've gotten so angry and frustrated by now, and it's only making this anxiety worse!

I'm thinking about ordering this online. I've really researched this over these months, and I do believe I've found a site that seems trustworthy. I've also read many other different forums of ppl. discussing where they buy this online, and from what I can tell, they submit your request to a European dr., who then writes out an RX for you, (once you pay, of course), and they send it, taking about 2 - 3 wks apparently. Has anyone here done this?

I know this is "risky", but I really do need the 2mgs. a day, to funciton and keep my job! I have no other health issues, and I'm not depressed, just a lot of panic and anxiety. Yes I know that in reality, you don't know for sure what you're getting, but from reading these forums where ppl. discuss this (I've been reading those forums now for a few months, so I do feel I've acquired many diff. opinions on what sites are safe or not, etc), I feel pretty "safe" about one particular site that is mentioned over and over as being trustworthy.

If anyone can give me any help on this matter, I really would appreciate it! Like I said, I'm not into taking pills, and I don't need more than 2 mgs. (MAYBE 3) a day, I am not trying to ESCAPE reality, I'm trying to deal with it! (iv'e tried yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, natural "remedies" which never REALLY work, so I'm at my wits end.). I don't want to start drinking, that's not my thing. Please private msg. me here or my email, I don't want to order from some bogus site!

Thanks to everyone.