View Full Version : Rib/back pain and now blood in urine

03-01-14, 19:51
I have been to the doctor as I am still experiencing left sided rib and back pain. To cut a long story short he has found a trace of blood in my urine and is sending me for a blood test. I am so upset as he mentioned it could be a kidney problem. My son has kidney problems and has had a transplant. The fact that it could be this never crossed my mind, I have been thinking pancreas, liver, spleen etc. I have of course googled it and found kidney cancer. I am worried sick as it appears symptoms only show when advanced.
I am back at work next week and don't know how I am going to cope with the worry, I am beside myself and just feel like crying.

03-01-14, 19:57
Is the pain constant or does it come and go?

I'm sorry your dealing with the worry of it being serious but try your best to put that out of your mind. Could you possibly have a kidney infection that a antibiotic could clear up? Did your Dr. check for that first? I know first hand, easier said than done but do your best to stay off google. I know it's hard, trust me, I know!

I just did a quick google search on kidney cancer and I read that your urine would be tinged with blood making it a rust color. Do you have that? From what it sounds like it was a trace, meaning you couldn't even see it which to me would indicate infection more than cancer. :hugs: I'll be praying for you! I'm sure everything will be just fine.

03-01-14, 21:08
mum4c, blood cells in urine is common with excretory system infections. If you've had a UTI, you almost certainly had blood cells in your urine then. You've got pain in an area that suggests kidneys, so logically the doctor put the two together to investigate. I understand with a son who underwent a transplant that kidneys are a touchy area for you, but honestly, a kidney infection is not something to lose sleep over.

03-01-14, 21:28
Thanks for your reply Leslie735, your support is much appreciated. The pain is constant but it is worse when I am sitting down, especially on a sofa. Is is less when I am standing up or lying down. The thing is the pain is quite high up my back which is why I didn't even consider it to be my kidneys. My urine looked a normal straw colour, definitely not a rust colour.

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 23:26 ----------

Thanks Althea, I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I have a major HA about getting cancer and dying, leaving my young children and that is why it is so hard not to worry; I am in a right state at the moment.

03-01-14, 22:14
I have a major HA about getting cancer and dying, leaving my young children and that is why it is so hard not to worry; I am in a right state at the moment.

Hi Mum,

First off, I've been hanging around on these boards for a while now and I've not seen one fear turn into reality. You won't be an exception I assure you.

I'm a survivor. No cancer is good but what I had is one of the worst, including the treatment. I'm still here. So even with the virtually non-existent chance that you have a serious illness or even if it rears it's head down the line, medical science is absolutely amazing ;) The key is to treat the illness you do have so you can enjoy your family without worrying.

Positive thoughts

04-01-14, 14:54
Thank you for your words Fishmanpa. I am sorry to hear that you have been through such an awful time and I truely admire your strength and sense of humour.

I have been to collect my blood request form from the dr this morning and he has requested inflammation, anaemia, liver function, pancreas, diabetes, thyroid and ovarian cancer tests. I am trying to think positive......

I start a new job on Monday and my employer is being really quite difficult when I said that I would need to leave work on time (I am a primary school teacher) to get to the hospital before it shuts. She has not okayed it but has not said no either, so that is adding to my stress and anxiety. I need to get the bloods done asap so that the results are back when I see the doctor on Thursday.

04-01-14, 15:08
He's got a very frightened patient with some fairly non-specific symptoms, so he's making the most of your blood draw. That's just sensible.

Is there anywhere open today for you to get blood drawn? I can see that it would be good to avoid asking for accommodation on the very first day of the job.

07-01-14, 21:46
Hi Althea, I had the blood tests done yesterday and am going to the doctors on Thursday when the results will hopefully be back. I also had an ECG yesterday. I am so worried, the nurse was very quiet when looking at the results - she said the rhythm looked ok but that was all she could tell me. I am now thinking she has spotted something wrong but wouldn't tell me. The pain in my stomach and back is getting worse today and I felt so ill driving home from work, everything in my stomach, chest and back felt tight - I really felt like I would have to pull over incase I was having a heart attack! I just breathed through it and made it home. I have AGAIN been googling pancreatic cancer etc etc. I just don't know what to do and I am so scared of going for the results on Thursday but know I have to.

08-01-14, 08:01
Could it be a water infection? I've had a trace of blood in a urine sample before and was given antibiotics. Best wishes to you.